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A Standard MASS Muscle Building Routine.


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Doug's Mass Building Routine for Ectomorphs (naturally low body fat usually high metabolism)

Read the descirption and the notes for any questions. This is a proven routine containing many of the great exercises for providing muscle mass. If you follow the correct diet and this routine (some adjustments are fine), then you WILL see gains.

This routine is not really for beginners.

Edit: If you dont know some of the exercises, click and them and watch the video, correct form is a must.

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Good workouts

A little basic it seems for me... I understand 3 exercises per group if your working double body parts, but only 4 days a week?

I tend to have a lot more energy to hit 4, even 5.

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Thanks roids, i recently got my weight etc checked and my body fat % is only 8. Will be perfect for me since i am a ectomorph, ive been working out for a while but i barely see results, i guess its my diet though.


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