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Arms are sore after lifting


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Okay, well I've started going to the gym again, and I was really trying to get the most out of the time I was there, so I really worked myself out.

When I got home, my arms were REALLY tired, I could barely lift them on they're own.

This morning I get up and they're stiff as fucking and really sore..

Should I give lifting weights at home (lighter ones) a rest for a while too?  Or should I just lift as usual and just ignore it?

Thanks in advance


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Wait you went to the gym worked out your arms, then went home and worked em out again?


I usually lift at home too

but i went gym and its the next day now and im wondering if i could have lifted today even if they're sore.

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Have a hot bath to begin with.

Get more protein down you as it helps rebuild the muscle fibres you ripped working out, therefore will speed up the process.

Rest the muscles until they no longer hurt (dont hurt that much).

Begin workout once again.

In that order ^^

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Rest the muscles until they no longer hurt (dont hurt that much).

muscle soreness is actually no idicator of whether or not u should train them, time is, just avoid the 24-48 hour mark.

soreness is also not an indicator of a "good workout". can often mean the opposite.

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Wait you went to the gym worked out your arms, then went home and worked em out again?


I usually lift at home too

but i went gym and its the next day now and im wondering if i could have lifted today even if they're sore.

You should go again, and work out a different body part, you'll get over the soreness, or possibly just lessen it after a few weeks.  Stay away from secondary workouts that will effect your arms, if you over do it, you won't be able to use them for 6 weeks+ depending on severity.

Edit- You probably overdid it too, for just coming back into the gym, you should stick to lighter workouts to ease yourself back into weight lifting.  It can take you up to even a month+ to get use to a routine.

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Wait you went to the gym worked out your arms, then went home and worked em out again?


I usually lift at home too

but i went gym and its the next day now and im wondering if i could have lifted today even if they're sore.

You should go again, and work out a different body part, you'll get over the soreness, or possibly just lessen it after a few weeks.  Stay away from secondary workouts that will effect your arms, if you over do it, you won't be able to use them for 6 weeks+ depending on severity.

Edit- You probably overdid it too, for just coming back into the gym, you should stick to lighter workouts to ease yourself back into weight lifting.  It can take you up to even a month+ to get use to a routine.

Thanks man, I'll work on other body parts.

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