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Just wondering how do you split during the week, or do you even split?

Ive been doing:

Monday: chest/biceps

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: lats/low back

Thursday: Rest

Friday: shoulders/triceps

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: quads/hams

And Abs and calves every non rest day

Haven t ever really been sure about splitting, or if its better to do everything on a M/W/F


i do

monday - arms

tuesday - legs

wednesday - shoulders

thursday - chest

friday - back/traps

only do abs when on a cutting routine.



Monday: Chest

Tuesday: Back

Wednesday: Shoulders

Thursday: Legs

Friday: Arms

Don't really do abs, dead-lifts and squats do them enough. If you're going to do them treat them as any other muscle and don't do them everyday give them a rest!


This section is boring, just go to the gym, this section is like a place to tell ur life story


This section is boring, just go to the gym, this section is like a place to tell ur life story

So dont read it...


Monday - Back, Bicep

Tuesday - Rest

Wenesday - Chest, Triceps

Thursday - Rest

Friday - Shoulders, legs

Do cardio on the rest days or even everyday if you can.


This section is boring, just go to the gym, this section is like a place to tell ur life story

sOMEONE IS small


i do:

monday: chest+shoulder+triceps+abs

tuesday: back+biceps+legs

wenesday: rest

thursday: chest+shoulder+triceps+abs

friday: back+biceps+legs

saturday: rest

sunday: rest

sometimes i only go 2-3 times in the weekdays then once in weekend.

Tom (Rendition)

My workout is the same every week....but I only go like once a week lol.


monday: shoulders

tuesday: back + bis

wednesday: rest

thursday: chest +tris

friday: rest


sunday: rest

i do body weight + abs 4/5 days a week

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