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☠ Pk 5quirrel ☠ PvP | Bounty hunter | Video #9 ~ [ SARASWORD, STATIUS ]


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Pk 5quirrel

PvP Video #9

This is my greatest ever video made on Squirrel (YET). It features some of the best k0's that ive ever done, combining that with variety which none of my videos have =D I would appreciate if you left me a comment and rated my vid [ I Always do it to everybody else :) ]

If you loved me so much, why not click that pretty susbscribe button xD


Watch in HD


Couple things, first Good edit.. but - Intro was a bit long - No real big hits - Did not like the first 3 mins of seeing just bones - CB brace not a big fan of - some clips you hit a person 3 or 4 times then just cut it? - Did not like seeing pjers kill ur targ And i did not find the music went well with the Vid ( all my opionions)

over all 6/10


The introduction was much too dramatic, for you only have 92 Strength.

At many points in the video you hit a person a few times then just cut the clip.

You showed other people killing your opponent.

Your loot and hits were poor.

Train your Hitpoints some.



The introduction was much too dramatic, for you only have 92 Strength.

At many points in the video you hit a person a few times then just cut the clip.

You showed other people killing your opponent.

Your loot and hits were poor.

Train your Hitpoints some.



I can't watch your vid fuck off... why don't you upload the vid so everybody can watch it!!??


I can't watch your vid fuck off... why don't you upload the vid so everybody can watch it!!??

wtf lol? Is it banned in your country or something.

And i agree that the intro sucks like hell. I made it when i barely had any clips and i couldnt be bothered to make something else. Well anyway, atleast i have a better understanding about what you guys want for vid 10 =]

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