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You can call this a short pking clip too.


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Nice effects and all, couldn't really understand what was going on in the video though.

And i think we get it, You're Brazilian


You posted this in GFX too lol


just because there arent any other brazillian pures in the spotlight doesn't mean you can call yourself the best at everything then label it with brazillian.

thats like me saying "im the best white account from london called alex who is 16 and has 2 brothers and lives in welling pure"

Life To Dds

nice edit


too hard to see whats actually happening in the clip.

nice editing nonetheless.

Did you get adobe after effects cs5 for free?


just because there arent any other brazillian pures in the spotlight doesn't mean you can call yourself the best at everything then label it with brazillian.

thats like me saying "im the best white account from london called alex who is 16 and has 2 brothers and lives in welling pure"

Exactly. Pointless making an introduction when you can't see shit; also, less with the arrogance?


If your the best brazilian, im the best Maxed 20 def 70 pray white male pker in michigan.  Big title i got there lol


just because there arent any other brazillian pures in the spotlight doesn't mean you can call yourself the best at everything then label it with brazillian.

thats like me saying "im the best white account from london called alex who is 16 and has 2 brothers and lives in welling pure"

I already fighted ALL Brazilian pures, and owned all.


Thanks everyone. You can watch the video used in the solids (or painels if you prefer) in the video clicking on this link:


just because there arent any other brazillian pures in the spotlight doesn't mean you can call yourself the best at everything then label it with brazillian.

thats like me saying "im the best white account from london called alex who is 16 and has 2 brothers and lives in welling pure"

Exactly. Pointless making an introduction when you can't see shit; also, less with the arrogance?

? lol


just because there arent any other brazillian pures in the spotlight doesn't mean you can call yourself the best at everything then label it with brazillian.

thats like me saying "im the best white account from london called alex who is 16 and has 2 brothers and lives in welling pure"


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