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2400 Overall

Elven Dremor

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Elven Dremor



Achievement Thread in Signature.


grats elven<333333333333333333


Thats a sexy account you got there mate. Good luck maxing


very nice surprised you haven't gotten def up more :p

Elven Dremor

Gl with mining :%

Wuts so hard about mining?

Thanks everyone! :D


Nice stats which my pure would have same expect def. :P


Congratulations, sick account, Elvie! (Y)


What's so fun about it, same thing over and over all that for a pixelated cape lol, pk more often

Elven Dremor

What's so fun about it, same thing over and over all that for a pixelated cape lol, pk more often

Fun about what? I don't follow.

Farming takes 10-15 mins per day, how is that hard?

PKing is pathetic, use to be good, now it's a waste of time.


Towel pl0x? But nice :D keep up da g00d work :D


What's so fun about it, same thing over and over all that for a pixelated cape lol, pk more often

Fun about what? I don't follow.

Farming takes 10-15 mins per day, how is that hard?

PKing is pathetic, use to be good, now it's a waste of time.

Fun in doing all these skills not only farming, ur talking bout waste, ur wasting ur life on worthless capes lol

I pk cuz its fun, I don't think anyone likes skilling

Elven Dremor

What's so fun about it, same thing over and over all that for a pixelated cape lol, pk more often

Fun about what? I don't follow.

Farming takes 10-15 mins per day, how is that hard?

PKing is pathetic, use to be good, now it's a waste of time.

Fun in doing all these skills not only farming, ur talking bout waste, ur wasting ur life on worthless capes lol

I pk cuz its fun, I don't think anyone likes skilling

Sorry bro, ignorance will get you no where.

Wasting my life on capes? I don't do it for the capes lmfao.

I don't even wear my skillcapes, only when I'm levelling for a picture or something.

I do it because I enjoy skilling, and setting out goals, and accomplishing them.

PKing? That's just as repetitive as skilling, just because you find it fun, doesn't mean others do.

I have PKed my cash stack. I PKed the money to afford my 99s (Well over a bill worth). I PKed because I enjoyed it.

Now I don't.

Wasting your life is such a pointless comment.

If I was addicted to the game, and couldn't stop playing if I tried, then that's wasting, I play it because I love the game, I find it enjoyable, and awesome.


What's so fun about it, same thing over and over all that for a pixelated cape lol, pk more often

Fun about what? I don't follow.

Farming takes 10-15 mins per day, how is that hard?

PKing is pathetic, use to be good, now it's a waste of time.

Fun in doing all these skills not only farming, ur talking bout waste, ur wasting ur life on worthless capes lol

I pk cuz its fun, I don't think anyone likes skilling

Sorry bro, ignorance will get you no where.

Wasting my life on capes? I don't do it for the capes lmfao.

I don't even wear my skillcapes, only when I'm levelling for a picture or something.

I do it because I enjoy skilling, and setting out goals, and accomplishing them.

PKing? That's just as repetitive as skilling, just because you find it fun, doesn't mean others do.

I have PKed my cash stack. I PKed the money to afford my 99s (Well over a bill worth). I PKed because I enjoyed it.

Now I don't.

Wasting your life is such a pointless comment.

If I was addicted to the game, and couldn't stop playing if I tried, then that's wasting, I play it because I love the game, I find it enjoyable, and awesome.

Now u're just talking crap, pking is as repetitive as skilling? I don't think so, drops are always different from others + u dont fight same enemies every single minute

U enjoy skilling? just lol.

Elven Dremor

What's so fun about it, same thing over and over all that for a pixelated cape lol, pk more often

Fun about what? I don't follow.

Farming takes 10-15 mins per day, how is that hard?

PKing is pathetic, use to be good, now it's a waste of time.

Fun in doing all these skills not only farming, ur talking bout waste, ur wasting ur life on worthless capes lol

I pk cuz its fun, I don't think anyone likes skilling

Sorry bro, ignorance will get you no where.

Wasting my life on capes? I don't do it for the capes lmfao.

I don't even wear my skillcapes, only when I'm levelling for a picture or something.

I do it because I enjoy skilling, and setting out goals, and accomplishing them.

PKing? That's just as repetitive as skilling, just because you find it fun, doesn't mean others do.

I have PKed my cash stack. I PKed the money to afford my 99s (Well over a bill worth). I PKed because I enjoyed it.

Now I don't.

Wasting your life is such a pointless comment.

If I was addicted to the game, and couldn't stop playing if I tried, then that's wasting, I play it because I love the game, I find it enjoyable, and awesome.

Now u're just talking crap, pking is as repetitive as skilling? I don't think so, drops are always different from others + u dont fight same enemies every single minute

U enjoy skilling? just lol.

Different names, same pixels.

Same thing, eat, hit, spec, oh might throw in a vengeance here and there.

Hybriding is basically the same too, everything on RuneScape is repetitive.

I'm talking crap? Nice reply, you couldn't think of a decent argument, so you just say that to make yourself feel good.

I enjoy skilling? Of course I do, I wouldn't of gotten 19 99s otherwise, genius.

punan2 pure

What's so fun about it, same thing over and over all that for a pixelated cape lol, pk more often

Fun about what? I don't follow.

Farming takes 10-15 mins per day, how is that hard?

PKing is pathetic, use to be good, now it's a waste of time.

Fun in doing all these skills not only farming, ur talking bout waste, ur wasting ur life on worthless capes lol

I pk cuz its fun, I don't think anyone likes skilling

Sorry bro, ignorance will get you no where.

Wasting my life on capes? I don't do it for the capes lmfao.

I don't even wear my skillcapes, only when I'm levelling for a picture or something.

I do it because I enjoy skilling, and setting out goals, and accomplishing them.

PKing? That's just as repetitive as skilling, just because you find it fun, doesn't mean others do.

I have PKed my cash stack. I PKed the money to afford my 99s (Well over a bill worth). I PKed because I enjoyed it.

Now I don't.

Wasting your life is such a pointless comment.

If I was addicted to the game, and couldn't stop playing if I tried, then that's wasting, I play it because I love the game, I find it enjoyable, and awesome.

Now u're just talking crap, pking is as repetitive as skilling? I don't think so, drops are always different from others + u dont fight same enemies every single minute

U enjoy skilling? just lol.

Stop trolling him. lol. Everyone has their preference of whats enjoyable in rs.

Elven Dremor

Stop trolling him. lol. Everyone has their preference of whats enjoyable in rs.

No, let him.

Free bump.


One of my favorite capes, 2 more levels!


Fucking sick lol,

you a king :).

Life To Dds

sick acc bro gz on 2400 total u skiller lover

Elven Dremor


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