I Has Lag Posted March 19, 2011 Posted March 19, 2011 Hey guys! I'm somewhat stuck in a rot, my pure (85 attack, 99 str, 99 mage, 87 ranged) is often rendered completely useless against pretty much everyone. Even with 85 attack I can't hit through rune properly, and I fear I made a mistake getting the attack so high. (I got that high attack, so I could fight mains, and get better loot, I'm afraid of having a low leveled pure, would mean no proper loot) Anyways, here's the question for you; Do you think I should sell that pure, and start from scratch, or somehow improve that pure? Any tips? PS: I might want to add, that I'm really rusty when it comes to pking. Thanks alot in advance!
Smush Posted March 19, 2011 Posted March 19, 2011 IMO start over. That high attack and low defense will do nothing. RESTART sell it for some GP or $$$.
I Has Lag Posted March 19, 2011 Author Posted March 19, 2011 Thanks alot dude, thats the advice I was looking for :)
Rockstar Posted March 19, 2011 Posted March 19, 2011 If you're afraid of having a low pure, why start over? Theres always the option of getting defence and becoming a rune pure. Rune pures are wrecking nowadays.
Eric Posted March 19, 2011 Posted March 19, 2011 attack is too high to get def on, i mean, you COULD, but you'd find yourself in the same rut in just a matter of a few months.. (trust me i did the same exact thing with my old pure) all i can say is if you don't mind selling the acc for gps, then do it. i know its hard to do for some people because you see all the hard work and hours of time it took to get your account there, then someone offers you 5m for it, just remember to not let yourself attach too personally or become offend when it comes to a price. just shoot for the average, and try to list all the percs about it, ie what quests are done, equipment you have (addy gloves ect) and sit back and wait for offers..
I Has Lag Posted March 20, 2011 Author Posted March 20, 2011 Just got 130m for it. And starting over. Hopefully I can learn to pk properly again. Thanks for tips :D
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