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Saw this video forever ago however recent events have brought it back to the front of my mind.

Very thought inspiring and definitely worth a watch RIGHT TO THE END

The thing I enjoyed the most about Foe whilst I was in it, was the community, and that's why it is still to date, the best clan, out of all clans, not just pure ones.

PS:- why can I still post? your not doing me any favours at all

Great video. Watched it all, pretty deep make me consider quitting.


While I do admit it was a nice animated video, I think the message is a bit overreacted.

While yes, video games do take a chunk out of life the key is balance. Apparently this 30 something year old who made this video is now regretting the time he took playing video games. Too late my friend, too late.

I mean it's a nice message, but dude follow your own advice.


fuck that guy not i feel like shit, no but in all seriousness im glad i watched this because ive just recently expirienced the same sort of thing. but at a much younger age. however i do think that he forgot to point out that it is possible to balance both video gaming and real life


I'm not saying its impossible for some, but I've found to fully succeed in something you must commit 100% and anything else will make you fall short.


When it did the Xbox 'ping' sound on the video, i actually looked up at my screen too see if it was my Xbox lolol.

Fucked it.


Chris no one is going to ban you. you're too fucking amazing.


I liked the part where they set the WoW collection on fire


What happened Chris?? Why would you get banned?


omfg that WoW shit is worth like $150. maybe even $200 if theres some subscription cards in there :(


live life man we dont get many days.


People gotta find that middleground, hobbies are hobbies whether it be playing games or whatever else..

hobbies are for entertainment so as long as people are entertained, whats "wasteful" or "pointless" is relative, as long as people find the middleground between gaming and real life i dont really see the problem

But obviously i do see the problem with people wasting dumb hours of their lives, thats why put rl first and make sure gaming continues to be a passtime not a filltime


One life, live it to the fullest


It's a decent message but I think it goes too far. Keep a blance in your life, and always have priorities. Work hard for what really matters and reward yourself with what you enjoy.

Its zeh noob

It's a decent message but I think it goes too far. Keep a blance in your life, and always have priorities. Work hard for what really matters and reward yourself with what you enjoy.



Wow. Touching.


True dat

Why not have the balance though?

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