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Quitting everything.


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"There are none happy in the world but beings who enjoy freely a vast horizon"

Every day I look around me when I wake up and I keep thinking that this is not what I want.

I don't want to study, get a good job, rent a house, pay my taxes, marry and have kids and lead the same life for decades.

I feel stuck in this materialist world. I only stay because I love those around me.

I constantly dream about quitting everything and travelling far away and every day I grow tired of doing what others expect me to do.

I want to be free.

So day after day I keep thinking how bad I want to leave everything behind me and travel (bit like Into The West but less extreme lol) and it makes me sick

Would you be ready to quit everything and travel?


How can you travel/survive without money? How can you have money without a job? How can you have a job without studying? It all ties in together.. So no. You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.


How can you travel/survive without money? How can you have money without a job? How can you have a job without studying? It all ties in together.. So no. You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

Your point of view is frightening. Have you even given if a bit of thought?

You don't need much money. And the small amount of money needed can be earned in small and short jobs there and there.

You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

lmao you're going to wait until you're 65 to start discovering how amazing the world is, and by then (if you're still alive) you will be old and fragile.

You will have worked all your life for companies who would fire you if they saw a potential profit involved, in a country where the government doesn't give a shit about anything but your vote.

I want to travel while I'm still young, away from this stressful life with this much responsibilities.


Well you have a point, except I highly doubt that you could survive, seeing as you lived a very sheltered life growing up. I'm not making any assumptions, but that seems to be the case.

I also want to travel when I'm older, but I'm going to wait. Don't have such bold dreams of traveling, because I guarantee you it's not going to be like in the movies or TV shows.

Tl;dr Get over it. Life is hard. Get over it.


Well you have a point, except I highly doubt that you could survive, seeing as you lived a very sheltered life growing up. I'm not making any assumptions, but that seems to be the case.

I also want to travel when I'm older, but I'm going to wait. Don't have such bold dreams of traveling, because I guarantee you it's not going to be like in the movies or TV shows.

Tl;dr Get over it. Life is hard. Get over it.

I have travelled enough to know what it is like.

Life is hard, ok cool. I'm pretty sure it won't get any easier by not living like regular people.

But at least there would be no stress, no responsibilities. I'd be really feeling alive.

I wouldn't want to live like that for the rest of my life, maybe just a year or two.


How can you travel/survive without money? How can you have money without a job? How can you have a job without studying? It all ties in together.. So no. You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

Your point of view is frightening. Have you even given if a bit of thought?

You don't need much money. And the small amount of money needed can be earned in small and short jobs there and there.

You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

lmao you're going to wait until you're 65 to start discovering how amazing the world is, and by then (if you're still alive) you will be old and fragile.

You will have worked all your life for companies who would fire you if they saw a potential profit involved, in a country where the government doesn't give a shit about anything but your vote.

I want to travel while I'm still young, away from this stressful life with this much responsibilities.

Old and fragile? Tell that to my granddad..  :mellow:

saving up for this atm.

im unemployed and my dept is growing though sooo yeah not working out as i planned


How can you travel/survive without money? How can you have money without a job? How can you have a job without studying? It all ties in together.. So no. You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

Are you retarded? Money doesnt feed you/provide you with shelter or provide you with water. It can buy you BETTER quality food/water/shelter.

But all you need is: Hands and functioning brain to survive out in the wild.

Not one person on this forum likes you, just thought i'd mention that, not one.

How can you travel/survive without money? How can you have money without a job? How can you have a job without studying? It all ties in together.. So no. You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

Your point of view is frightening. Have you even given if a bit of thought?

You don't need much money. And the small amount of money needed can be earned in small and short jobs there and there.

You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

lmao you're going to wait until you're 65 to start discovering how amazing the world is, and by then (if you're still alive) you will be old and fragile.

You will have worked all your life for companies who would fire you if they saw a potential profit involved, in a country where the government doesn't give a shit about anything but your vote.

I want to travel while I'm still young, away from this stressful life with this much responsibilities.



How can you travel/survive without money? How can you have money without a job? How can you have a job without studying? It all ties in together.. So no. You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

Are you retarded? Money doesnt feed you/provide you with shelter or provide you with water. It can buy you BETTER quality food/water/shelter.

But all you need is: Hands and functioning brain to survive out in the wild.

Not one person on this forum likes you, just thought i'd mention that, not one.

How can you travel/survive without money? How can you have money without a job? How can you have a job without studying? It all ties in together.. So no. You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

Your point of view is frightening. Have you even given if a bit of thought?

You don't need much money. And the small amount of money needed can be earned in small and short jobs there and there.

You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

lmao you're going to wait until you're 65 to start discovering how amazing the world is, and by then (if you're still alive) you will be old and fragile.

You will have worked all your life for companies who would fire you if they saw a potential profit involved, in a country where the government doesn't give a shit about anything but your vote.

I want to travel while I'm still young, away from this stressful life with this much responsibilities.


And then you book a nice tour group and have lots of fun make plenty of friends

maybe they'll even throw a great party at the end?? can't wait


Holidays don't have to just be about that, you can do what you want on a holiday. If you want to explore, appreciate the country, do that.


Yeah there's a lot of things to do.

You should visit Paris, I heard it's really nice there for tourists and what not. You don't need to speak French. I don't know about the locals though ..

Go visit it on your vacations, and then go back to normal life.

Spittles (Old School)

How can you travel/survive without money? How can you have money without a job? How can you have a job without studying? It all ties in together.. So no. You have plenty of time to travel the world when you're retired.

Are you retarded? Money doesnt feed you/provide you with shelter or provide you with water. It can buy you BETTER quality food/water/shelter.

But all you need is: Hands and functioning brain to survive out in the wild.

No, you're the retarded one. You do need money in order to do all of those, money doesn't exactly bring you happiness but once you have everything you've dreamed of such as wife and kids or anything else in order to achieve anything you will need money. Have fun supporting a family with no money.

Not everyone can achieve trying to be Emile Hirsch in Into The Wild.


Exactly, also, Marc did not mention he would be travelling through forests rich in wild animals and fruit, if you did it with no money you'd essentially be a travelling hobo, and look how that's working out for them. Yeah you could get odd jobs, but it's not easy to instantly find a job as soon as you get to a new place, especially when you don't plan on staying with them, if you did do that, you'd be living ROUGHLY, if you are passionate about exploring the world enough to do that, power to you, go for it, but for me - i'd rather just create a family, live a comfortable life, and have the odd holiday to various destinations, then once i'm retired start travelling more... maybe travel the world on a boat or w/e, idk, a long time to go yet.

ya im chase

I know exactly what you mean. I just don't really know what else I would do...So I choose to get high every weekend and just mop through the week days. :s


Well you have a point, except I highly doubt that you could survive, seeing as you lived a very sheltered life growing up. I'm not making any assumptions, but that seems to be the case.

I also want to travel when I'm older, but I'm going to wait. Don't have such bold dreams of traveling, because I guarantee you it's not going to be like in the movies or TV shows.

Tl;dr Get over it. Life is hard. Get over it.

I have travelled enough to know what it is like.

Life is hard, ok cool. I'm pretty sure it won't get any easier by not living like regular people.

But at least there would be no stress, no responsibilities. I'd be really feeling alive.

I wouldn't want to live like that for the rest of my life, maybe just a year or two.

implying you have no responsibilities when you travel, even homeless people have responsibilities

yeah like finding something to eat and a good place to take a nap


Yeah, i'd rather go on holidays tbh. Leaving everything behind for "freedom" looks simple enough, but never is.

Especially alone, nty.


Travel around for a few years, do some small jobs here and there to make money for food. If you're lucky, local people will give you a room to stay at for a few weeks in exchange for some help with renovating the house or something.

Might consider doing some volunteering in Africa/South America too...

Anyways you have plenty of time left to start a carreer when you're 30ish


Personally i think about this everyday, in may is my first month of constant travel..

I want to see as many countries as i can over time and i will


Personally i think about this everyday, in may is my first month of constant travel..

I want to see as many countries as i can over time and i will

i think about you everyday.


Yes I would love to, I have wanted to travel since I discovered parkour when I was 13. I still want to, I only play runescape as a time waster because the area I live in is rainy and boring all the time. However I would need to have a friend go with me other wise I don't think I would make it lol.

  • 1 month later...

Earn some money, stop being a fucking pussy and do it.


I think personally I wouldn't be able to do it. It would require determination to not look back, bravery to leave all that I have behind and plain and simply some major guts! I enjoy most of the environments i'm in, my home town is a shit whole but it's home, my university town can get annoying but it's where I live.

I'm not sure about you but currently i'm only 18 (almost 19) and I think that kind of decision isn't one that I myself would be ready to take at such an early stage in my life.

G-Falo Son

I think everyone in the world would like to do this but reality is we can't. Money si pretty much everythign in this world now.  Its not really how people tell you to live your life its how you have to live to actually be able to survive


Yeah there's a lot of things to do.

You should visit Paris, I heard it's really nice there for tourists and what not. You don't need to speak French. I don't know about the locals though ..

Go visit it on your vacations, and then go back to normal life.

He lives in France lol

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