Mori Posted May 21, 2011 Posted May 21, 2011 I agree at some points, but for how long do u wanna explore the world?
Marc|Criti Posted May 21, 2011 Author Posted May 21, 2011 Yeah there's a lot of things to do. You should visit Paris, I heard it's really nice there for tourists and what not. You don't need to speak French. I don't know about the locals though .. Go visit it on your vacations, and then go back to normal life. He lives in France lol in Paris ^^ I think everyone in the world would like to do this but reality is we can't. Money si pretty much everythign in this world now. Its not really how people tell you to live your life its how you have to live to actually be able to survive most people might want to do this, but once they manage to quit it all (if they ever do), they might find out what they really want isn't this. anyways surviving without any money nowadays is practically impossible, and it's pretty sad that today's society is entirely based on $$$$. Earn some money, stop being a fucking pussy and do it. will finish my studies first brah I agree at some points, but for how long do u wanna explore the world? that's the thing. I don't know. So I will probably start travelling around low cost for weeks, months, and eventually life if I enjoy it.
Mori Posted May 21, 2011 Posted May 21, 2011 I agree at some points, but for how long do u wanna explore the world? that's the thing. I don't know. So I will probably start travelling around low cost for weeks, months, and eventually life if I enjoy it. Alone?
Marc|Criti Posted May 21, 2011 Author Posted May 21, 2011 I agree at some points, but for how long do u wanna explore the world? that's the thing. I don't know. So I will probably start travelling around low cost for weeks, months, and eventually life if I enjoy it. Alone? the guy in "Into the Wild" came to realize that happiness is only real when shared, when he was close to dying. so i don't believe in travelling solo for a long time
G-Falo Son Posted May 21, 2011 Posted May 21, 2011 Yeah there's a lot of things to do. You should visit Paris, I heard it's really nice there for tourists and what not. You don't need to speak French. I don't know about the locals though .. Go visit it on your vacations, and then go back to normal life. He lives in France lol in Paris ^^ I think everyone in the world would like to do this but reality is we can't. Money si pretty much everythign in this world now. Its not really how people tell you to live your life its how you have to live to actually be able to survive most people might want to do this, but once they manage to quit it all (if they ever do), they might find out what they really want isn't this. anyways surviving without any money nowadays is practically impossible, and it's pretty sad that today's society is entirely based on $$$$. Earn some money, stop being a fucking pussy and do it. will finish my studies first brah I agree at some points, but for how long do u wanna explore the world? that's the thing. I don't know. So I will probably start travelling around low cost for weeks, months, and eventually life if I enjoy it. It is about impossible to survive without money now. There'sno time to enjoy life for what it really is and what all it has to offer. In Italy they shut everythign down for 2 months and during that time no one works or anything. Airports are even closed. I think that'd be pretty ncie to have. But ina way I guess it wouldnt make a differecne seeing as though you'd still need money to enjoy them 2months but then againits a ncie little breal from everything its like 2 months of freedom to enjoy life. Ok well now I'm just rambling on about stuff
Tango_Oscar Posted May 22, 2011 Posted May 22, 2011 This is KIND OF why im joining the royal marines. Because when im on tour, i wont have to worry about everyday problems like going to the shop for food, cooking meals, making sure i see my family every week to catch up, morgages, seeing girls etc etc. All ill have to worry about is the job on hand. Sounds stupid, and i probs said something wrong cause i typed it quick but hey.
Jonny Posted May 23, 2011 Posted May 23, 2011 I was addicted to RS. School marks got worse and worse. Only had one sport tennis. Had a few nice friends. Loved the people around me. No motivation for anything. I left to Canada for a year. Not the same old boring and one sided life. No RS. A lot of traveling. Many new people. New inspirations. New motivations. Now when I go back home I am highly motivated to start a new and very successful life. This year opened my eyes and changed my life. Edit: I left in the middle of highshool. Which means that I quitt everything
Gareth l Rare Posted May 28, 2011 Posted May 28, 2011 Ive read through most of the comments and mostly people are not offering a good argument. Obz i cant tell wether your contemplating suicide or just putting your point across but get back to that another time Ok, yes we live in a materialistic world run by corporate companies, corrupt governments and surrounded by uncivilized people mostly 24/7 Yes, life is shit and its only going to get worse over time. Yes, (some) of the good things that make life more bearable are illegal and doing time in jail for something so petty as trying to enjoy life while we can just makes it even more shit.... I'm guessing we both share a similar passion and dream to travel the world and see all the exotic nature/nice things in the world that one wouldn't normally get to see in their life time This is the only thing that pushes me to strive for a higher education Yes that puts me in 20k debt, wasted 3 years of my life and soon to be another 3 and then another 3 of bullshit until i can earn something decent nether the less its a price im willing to pay to acquire my dream. (as well as be a fireman in the future although thats another story) Lifes all about decisions, what choices we decide to make decipher the future and when people bombard that on you at a young age its scary and fucked up no one likes epic amounts of change, not everyone can deal with it which is why people turn to other resources (in my opinion) I've always been a strong person, independent and self reliant.... i live on my own, cook/clean/look after and manage I ant going to act self richeous and say im 100% dedicated and always on par with my focus and never stay that would be bollox and make me a liar I do stay, i do think fuck it and at times do quit (2 months ago i dropped out of college for 3months to sell and smoke copious amounts of weed) Not going to say ive stopped but ive calmed down A LOT and am back on track in college doing my work to go UNI next year.... Everyone has it in them to become something special You can do anything you put your mind too if you have the will power and determination Im not going to say some bullshit about "hang in there, chin up and good things will come to you if you wait" because that bollox! If you want something, you have to go get it nothing will come free in this world, you don't get free hand outs and odds some random millionaire is going to give you a huge sum of money so you can live comfortably for the rest of your life is extremely unlikely although you never no, you could win the lottery haha End of the day m8, if you want something only you can pick yourself up and gain the determination and will power to do it.... Its a shit life, but something we all got to deal with.... your call for the next move......
Kaz2 Posted May 28, 2011 Posted May 28, 2011 No I cant just leave, because as much as I want to it would hurt my family to much plus I've made certain commitments I plan to keep :P
Jon Posted May 28, 2011 Posted May 28, 2011 Money makes the world go round. Without it, what do you have?
Jim Posted May 31, 2011 Posted May 31, 2011 Not reading the entire thread to figure if anyone has suggested it yet, however there is a way to do so. It is illegal and if it fucks you, that's too bad - you're fucked. I've considered it myself, just haven't had to drive to actually do it as of yet. - Be very selective of who you tell, the less the better, don't tell anyone who wouldn't take a bullet for you - Open bank accounts with as many bank accounts you can - Take bank loans from all of them, as much as you can - Go overdrawn on all cards - Take loans off all drug-dealers, loans-sharks and anything remotely shady - Claim all state benefits (Dole, crises loans, tax credits, anything, claim for 8 disabled children if you want) - Sell everything you own, EVERYTHING. - Order all your travel gear using a catalogue that doesn't require immediate pay Then head to S.E Asia, you should realistically have about £40,000 per person (Going with a group of 4 would have you living like kings), in countries like Vietnam beers are 20 pence, Bangkok is one of the leading places for stag-dos, so there wont be a shortage of your own kind and there's also thousands of night clubs. Quality of life isn't the best, crime in Thailand is common, locals aren't treated very well and police will take advantage of you being a foreigner, but laying low and in a nice area can prevent that. In the UK all bank debts are discarded after 10 years, so returning home is pretty much out of the question for a while and when you do you'll probably be slashed up by loan-sharks and drug dealers alike.
Evan Posted May 31, 2011 Posted May 31, 2011 At first I thought you were talking about suicide, and on that I have never even thought about it. I have thought about me dieing, and it sickens me, so never suicide. Yeah it would be nice to travel away and get away from it all, but it won't happen. In todays world we're all just pawns, hard to be different, we all have to get jobs at the end of the day, make money, pay taxes, and make the world go round.
Jim Posted May 31, 2011 Posted May 31, 2011 Anyone doubting Marc aren't very updated when it comes to traveling. As he said you can just get shitty bar jobs here and there. That's perfectly feasible, thousands of people do it. I've got atleast 15 people on Facebook that I've met that are currently traveling doing the same technique. One Australian girl currently works in a gym in London, a New Zealander is working in a bar in Amsterdam. I met both a little over a month ago, they've since been to more countries than I've been in my life. Just by living cheap, in hostels, not eating in restaurants, etc. If you want the best travel advice, read 'Traveling the world on a shoe string' it's written by a guy who has been traveling that way for the past 10 years. Or go to, it's the most helpful board on 4chan, great people, threads and ideas. As an alternative suggestion for you Marc - Get a job in travel, that's my current plan. An 18 week course is enough to qualify you to apply for air cabin crew, that's a lot of traveling and a great lifestyle. Imagine waking in the morning and instead of thinking 'Ugh, I have to go to the factory' it's 'lolgoingtocanada', the community you'd be in would be amazing, from cabin crew friends I've heard it's one huge party. Great working hours, my one friend worked 2 days in total last month, the rest she was on stand-by (Sitting at home, when the phone rings she has to go in), but when she is in she is traveling the world.
gfdgfd Posted May 31, 2011 Posted May 31, 2011 My opinion on this matter has changed greatly since I went to Portugal in March[hadn't been abroad since I was younger, didn't really appreciate the country itself because I was too young last time I went] when I went to Portugal I was just stunned by how different everything is, the architecture is so much more beautiful, the roads are cobbled, the buildings are sandy yellow instead of grey, it just made me realise that I have to see every sight the world has to offer. I probably would do what you suggested, but I don't like to do something unless it's certain, the risk of not being able to get jobs etc and becoming a bum puts me off it a lot. But I DEFINITELY need to see the whole of the world before I die or i'll die a sad man.
Jonny Posted June 1, 2011 Posted June 1, 2011 Interesting debate going on here. I've read through all. Marc what are you gonna do? You should make a poll and let us decide ;)
Melee Pure Posted August 10, 2011 Posted August 10, 2011 well, i understand the whole point of it, big step's make it worth wild in the end- it's bullshit that even if you do work, if you didn't exactly study through (college) then your basically going to get a wage, of about 700-1.2k a week (in australia) im pretty sure an average pay is that, besides being in law, dentist, doctors, and whatever else you need to get a diploma. get in the real scene, selling drugs, make a real epic amount of cash, but don't get greedy and you'd do fine, but have alot of courage and balls, haha i wouldn't do it, till im desperate, depends where you are i suppose and im exactly like you, the main thing that keeps me going is the people around me, without them i don't see the point. but life's going to be life, and there's nothing we can really do to change it honest opinion - world just gets more fucked up every day .
Silk Posted September 1, 2011 Posted September 1, 2011 Exactly what i feel . You dont need a fucking education to have a good life! I want to own a internet cafe with a bed at the back , nice couch , mini fridge , top notch internet , huge lcd , xbox360 , cod and ofc rs
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