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Mike (0BR)

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So I finished my triceps workout tonight, came home to find I had no protein left!!

I improvised, cut open a can of tuna and stuffed that bitch down my throat.

Tuna specs:

120g of tuna

30g of protein

My question is, does the protein from food do the same thing as protein in powder form post workout? I know a powder in water gets to your muscles quite fast, but does the protein provided by food do the same?

Fuck bro FUCK

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ya im chase

oh my god not tuna. Now you are going to grow a third arm...

Seriously idk but I would think there is a difference in protein powder and protein in food.

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Gl with the mercury poisoning..

I eat 3/4 cans a week and I have done for the last 2 years and im fine.

And from what Im told from people who "generally" know what they are talking about. It takes longer for the protein from food to make its way to your muscles than a shake for example. As it needs more breaking down and whatnot.

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Gl with the mercury poisoning..

I eat 3/4 cans a week and I have done for the last 2 years and im fine.

And from what Im told from people who "generally" know what they are talking about. It takes longer for the protein from food to make its way to your muscles than a shake for example. As it needs more breaking down and whatnot.


I go through 7-8 cans a week easily and nothing happened to me. Yes the tuna will take longer to be digested than a shake but it won't make a difference tbh.

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You honestly don't need so much artificial protein immediately following your work outs...

People look for the easy way out, I can't believe you're actually panicking that you ran out and missed a little artificial protein after one work out. This entire forum is a bit of a joke lol.

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No it's just a joke to see kids who look cut, bench 150 pounds and have absolutely zero athletic ability. I've played ice hockey for 13 years and I would venture to bet that I am in better shape than 75% of you kids who pop artificial protein all day, and jerk off to videos of yourselves benching. All these artificial things cannot replace athleticism and consistent exercise.

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Honestly I just drink milk before and after work outs, and try to eat healthy (get to lazy to make my own food most of the time) Other than that I don't want to bulk so I do high repetitions of low weights or just a shit ton of pull ups and push ups ^^ I am only 160 pounds and 6 ft tall, however most people think im 120 pounds haha. Hooray.

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Luke this forum doesn't seem like your forte.

Obr you obviously know that after a workout your body needs protein immediately. The tuna you ate will do the same thing as a protein powder. Depending on the type of protein you are taking in the tuna might actually digest before the power would anyways.(Assuming your on an empty stomach and drinking whey) Most people just don't have a can of tuna sitting in the gym bag ready to eat after a workout.

Also assuming that all you did were tri's you really aren't in that bad of shape. I would be more worried about getting some potassium in my body as well so that I didn't cramp up later. If you did chest/tri's then yeah you need that protein asap.

Powders are usually just a cleaner and more available form of protein. Unless you are really into body building most people don't have tilapia and salmon with some broccoli waiting to be eaten right after the gym lol

Oh and luke, protein powders are a must for those that would actually like to get bigger in a 13 year time period :p If two people had the same workout routines and intensity the person consuming "artificial protein" and water will get bigger than the one who isn't.. Its proven science bud.

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Don't get me wrong, during hockey season I'd have whey protein shakes post work outs, but I just get annoyed by people who rely on 30 different supplements to develop a bicep.


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For a quick post workout shake, you need one with BCAA's in free form. These 'Branch Chain Amino Acids' are vital in muscle building and in their free form state can be absorbed quicker.

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Don't get me wrong, during hockey season I'd have whey protein shakes post work outs, but I just get annoyed by people who rely on 30 different supplements to develop a bicep.


All day everyday!

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S 6 I 6 N 6
Protein Absorption

Another acknowledged benefit of whey protein is its fast absorption rate. Although their is not any evidence that protein supplements digest more efficiently than whole foods. They are definitely digested faster. This is most important after a training session when the rates of protein synthesis and glycogen re-synthesis are increased. Even in considering post workout nutrition, there is still little proof that a liquid protein-carb complex will actually produce better muscular growth than whole foods, as long as complete whole foods are consumed immediately after the training session and every three waking hours for a period of 24 hours thereafter.

From Bodybuilding.com

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