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Things to say as you drop someone


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I'm sure we have all had it, being killed then getting a smart remark as your face hits the ground by the guy who has been flaming you throughout the whole fight..but what does he say that ticks you off? OR what do you say to him :huh:

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i usually say "oink" :)

Next In Line

i usually say "oink" :)



Yeah "oink" is pretty unique, never came across that before. :D


Usual's are

"forgot to eat?"

"oh dear."

and sometimes i mix it up a bit with some foreign languages like:


or "sayonara douchébag"


Along the lines of ...

How do I taste?


I usually do the generic tbh, retards flaming me, just say "idiot" or something. I REALLY hate when you're obviously a better pker than someone and they suddenly spec like 300-300 or 400+ with dbolts, then start flaming you and acting like they're a better pker... then won't rm you with your rules (e.g. prayer bridding or something)

Also I fucking hate tbers at drags... learn to KO. (coughcough that |zack guy in foe if you read this, I'm omg unicornz what's up)


i just say sup when i spec a 350+ 350+


I usually do the generic tbh, retards flaming me, just say "idiot" or something. I REALLY hate when you're obviously a better pker than someone and they suddenly spec like 300-300 or 400+ with dbolts, then start flaming you and acting like they're a better pker... then won't rm you with your rules (e.g. prayer bridding or something)

Also I fucking hate tbers at drags... learn to KO. (coughcough that |zack guy in foe if you read this, I'm omg unicornz what's up)


All the fucking time. For real.

One time I speccd somebody out and was on like 5 hp and this faggot with 79 str PJs me and I inevitably die, come back to beat his fucking face in and he KOs me with a 27-27 dds spec ._.

But as for shit I say to them it all depends on the degree of shit talking that happens... Like most of the time it's just a standard "gf" but if they're really up my ass I'll insult them lol


I find being sarcastic and a little bit of trolling goes a long way, especially when you KO them in rag gear :D



Like a Baws

d claw rushers saying "rambo" or "idiot" when they fkin rush or pj

l am anthrax

I just dont die.

So im the one with the smart remarks.

I kidding but seriously.

It only really pisses me off when I get pjed and the fucker says anything, "gf" "gamed" "owned" all fucking bullshit.

I also hate it when someone gets lucky specs and acts like a fucking god.

This may be off topic but what pisses me off most of all is when people ask "gl?"

Good Luck is not a question its A FUCKING STATEMENT.


i dont play runescape so i dont deal with that shit


"I do apologise."

"That was most unfortunate."

"You've fallen short of your massively overestimated conceivement of your own ability."


I say P0W! when i k0 some1 because use to have a accoutn called Sk1ll3d p0w...


I find saying "bye." (yes with the full stop after) makes people extremely angry  (Y)


Another thing I hate: idiots not fighting you because you don't ask

then i walk up to them and say "good sir, I understand this is a tea party, rather than a dangerous area where one may be attacked at any point. In this case, may I bid you good luck to a challenge of battle?"

Then they fight me and I think

why the fuck didn't you just fight me in the first place moron


I just dont die.

So im the one with the smart remarks.

I kidding but seriously.

It only really pisses me off when I get pjed and the fucker says anything, "gf" "gamed" "owned" all fucking bullshit.

I also hate it when someone gets lucky specs and acts like a fucking god.

This may be off topic but what pisses me off most of all is when people ask "gl?"

Good Luck is not a question its A FUCKING STATEMENT.

Sam|Stop Lying

If they're chill during the fight as in no safing/insults/douchebaggery then GF.  If not, I usually say cocky shit like









Another thing I hate: idiots not fighting you because you don't ask

then i walk up to them and say "good sir, I understand this is a tea party, rather than a dangerous area where one may be attacked at any point. In this case, may I bid you good luck to a challenge of battle?"

Then they fight me and I think

why the fuck didn't you just fight me in the first place moron

lmfao. That is brilliant! I may have to try and come up with something similar.

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