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Things to say as you drop someone


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"Cya Hick" OR "No kitkat for u fam" orĀ  "U aint got no kitkat m8"


I just say "gf" or im too excited in my...er.. hands to say something

but what really pisses me off are pjers, they say shit like 'gf' or 'owned' im like your in fucking maxed str gear and im 5hp and i got owned? fight me in same gear and they pussy out, also when they say 'gf' im an honor till i die if a pjer says that to me i just have a mini mental brakedown and go rushing on my gmauler untill i pj a pair of claws or something [havnt goten anyhting higher than 400k sofar :'( )


I usually say 'gg' and when they ask me for a rm, i say 'gg' again. They get mad.


I usually yell "Smfd!" then use the "Rest" option

  • 3 weeks later...

Lol, the most that I get when I'm going down is "gg dmk", "gf dmk", "rip dmk".

And when I'm downing someone, I usually say "owned"; LOL.


When I kill someone or die I say 'gf' although If I'm getting tagged/pjed/rushed and I kill thm I'll call them an idiot. bout it really I don't type much when pking


i say nothing the enitre fight than maybe somtimes say "this is not a dating site"


I normally try and say something then get claw rushed and panic :P


i say nothing the enitre fight than maybe somtimes say "this is not a dating site"

  • 2 weeks later...

I get the kill, pick up the loot and go to the bank. I always forget to say something. I barely PK anyways.


I usually say "LEARN" or just an irc channel so when i apply for foe and im a proud member il say #finalownage


You've been Turbanated

Swag ina Bag

you no... some ppl call me bad, but when i get a good spec, and i just have to say something to piss em off....

Swagged :) keep it plain and simple

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