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Lieing to look cool.

Dave (Cha0s)

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Dave (Cha0s)
We've all done it before on this site especially, if you try and say you havnt your just proving my topic name correct! As I've been browsing the forums i see people post some unbelieveable things such as in the most common topic which has hit the FOE off-topic forum ' The Wierdest Place You've Ever Wanked <- LOL ' Where some people claim they dont need to wank because they ' get it al da time ' Lets face it, the people who said that are probably virgins  :P  Or muslims.

So what I am getting at is - Whats the most unbelievable lie you've told to sound cool?

Not any silly ones, being full on serious. 

Mine was around a year ago where I tried convincing people I had a really social life although I attended every FOE trip there was ( They were on weekends )  :wow: .

Although its changed now  ;)

Here are some examples of others which I found browsing through the forums;

          I will not add the names or times  :nice:

My very first serious fight was when i was like 8-10 yrs old. Some dude was talking **** about me so i told him i meet him after school. Well it was nasty but i totaly trashed his ass.. My clothes were covered all in blood but not mine lol, i cut his eyebrow or whatever badly and he started bleeding like mufika...

From the ' Have you ever made somebody bleed ' topic , we all know an 8 year old isnt capable of that.

i dont have to wank 

From the ' Have you ever wanked in public ' topic, Believable.

i'm pretty sure you know nothing about weed just from the way you based your toughts in your post. i smoke almost every ******* day and guess what..? im pulling a 3.8 and i'm taking 19 units..

From the ' Weed ' Topic, this guy smokes weed everyday, must be rich huh? He also sells ' Weed Merchandise ' I believe you  :unsure:

saying whats on my mind ALL THE TIME without caring about ppls feelings

From the ' Annoying Habbit ' topic, If you said whats on your mind, 'ALL THE TIME' I bet you get twatted 'ALL THE TIME'.

Lol nice guide...

But already got a 6-pack, sometimes an 8-pack,depending on how much I eat

From ' Bonesaw says... Train Str irl ' Topic, The sad thing is, he was actually being serious.

So now you've seen others and Ive admitted mine, its your turn to bite the bullet and confess :hash:

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watch me tb

umm.... i know i have. nothing that was completely unbelievable or what ever. i cant think of one off the top of my head lol.. i dont really talk about my social life on here.

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Can't honestly think of a time where i've lied to make myself look cool :l

Read my username

I didn't say I hadn't did I... I said I can't think of a time atm, because none of them were that big of a lie. I'm not the kinda person who goes. YEAH I BANGED 45 WOMEN AT ONCE AND THEN BEAT SOME GUY UP WHILE RECITING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT AMERICAN I'M JUST THAT COOL. Because nobody would believe me.

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LOL -  Lets face it, the people who said that are probably virgins  :P  Or muslims.

haha :P.

There's always been those bad liars lol.

It's funny.

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