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Sad day :(


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So the last few weeks i've been working on getting 99 str. Mostly at bandits and some exp at skellies. Anyway, since bandit worlds are hard to find i usually just train in pvp. I had gotten up to 60% EP finally and this mystic kid comes. I figured i would just spec with SS then run. Well it ends up red-barring him then i ko. Here's the sad part....

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His friend killed me and lost all my EP  :p

But life goes on. And ill be back at bandits gettin 99 str lol.

Also, wanted to thank FOE forums for keeping me entertained while training  :wub:

One more pic:

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Man thats sad feel bad about that.

Good luck training though nice account good job movin on :D


Damn, you're REALLY lucky because 500+ stattues pray over dragon calws ur luck that armadyl one didn't prot over ur ss :o anyway Gratz on ur Strength GL with 99 keep kill dem mystic Fuckers :D


Damn, you're REALLY lucky because 500+ stattues pray over dragon calws ur luck that armadyl one didn't prot over ur ss :o anyway Gratz on ur Strength GL with 99 keep kill dem mystic Fuckers :D

I didn't get to pic it up :/ Didn't get any of it.

Ahhh, k i was like you had a REALLY bad day lololol.


Ahhh, k i was like you had a REALLY bad day lololol.

Oh yeah lol. At that point, i would have killed meself  :p

Y4nk33 D33s

dang that sucks that you died

x kill die x

aw :( don'T worry 99 str should pay off that drop easily ;)

Smited B O W

aww, but keep trainign dude!

try monkey zombies too

I K 0 Unit I

unlucky rly, but grats 97 str

Got A Big Un

meh could of been worse could of lost ur ss


That was a nice drop =s..

Too bad his friend k0ed you =/

hunt godlink

Awsome cape but sucks how u died =x

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