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☠ FOE ☠ GT ZoX PK Vid 4 ☠ Turmoil GS Pure ☠

Gt Zox

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OK Guys Vid #4 is now out!

This is the first Pkin vid of turmoil on this account, and is really half a practice, but I spent some time editing it so it's enjoyable to watch, but yeah didn't do any more than 3 way switches as I wanted to see how I would do with turmoil without bridding too much.  After a few melee clips I get quite bored though LOL and start mage bridding a bit but still try and keep it quite basic (didn't wanna overwhelm myself for the first vid).

In Later vids I'll be doing full tribridding with 4-6+ way switches just for fun and am planning on doing some bank risks too.  Still quite happy with the way this vid turned out and I think its safe to say that Turmoil really was worth all those lovely gps and time...

Anyway if you like the look of it and wanna see some more extravagant switches and risks please dont forget to rate sub and comment.

Cheers Bro's <3 you all ^_^


TmSpk Nick: Tim | GT ZoX

Irc Nick: #GT_ZoX

Personal CC: GT Central

Link for channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/GuerillaTacticz?feature=mhum

Software used in this Vid:

Camtasia Studio 7.0 Recorder

Sony Vegas pro 9.0

Adobe After Effects CS4

EDIT:  Would be eternally greatful if you could like the vid on youtube itself ^_^ would be a major help <3


Life To Dds

#1 will edit


enjoyed, got lil bit repetitive, something to improve maybe next time though.

g0dsword y0

Goodjob Sir



Was a decent video, editing was really well done. Some nice hits.

S 6 I 6 N 6

enjoyed, got lil bit repetitive, something to improve maybe next time though.

Logan|Iuex V Ied

10/5 <33 loved it


cheers for feedback guys i always take it on board so do shout out what you wanna see.

Thanks Ben for the comment, thats something im always trying to be concious of and i think will definately being a primary goal for my next turmoil vid!

Also chuck down what you wanna see for my next vid! My aim is to make enjoyable vids for you guys so I need to know constantly what you guys are looking for, maybe its tribridding, maybe its korasi or korasi claws with the ring of vigour? I dont know. But whatever you look for in a Pking vid please let me know so I can make my vids more enjoyable for you!

Thanks again for feedback!



@thanks for the response darkbow... although I dont think i use Gmaul once?


This video contains content from WMG and Sony Music Entertainment, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.


Thanks for highlighting that Mori, that coulda lost me a lot of views! sorted it out now though ^_^ <3


Thanks for the reply daft darkbow, I'll take it on board and vary the weapons I use for my later vids, although bare in mind that this Vid was filmed over just a few days, so my PKing style didnt changed to much due to me only dieing about 3 or 4 times


Was boring no offense, too little variety.


Fair enough Wu, good to know what you thought about it, I'll have to try and improve that in the next vid.

S 6 I 6 N 6

Nice vid, enjoyed it.


it was decent :)


Thanks for the positive feeback guys, always nice to hear

Queen Pk P2P

damn lol i miss this first old song ! :D


Haha yeah i sometimes love to go back to the classic PKing songs ^_^ and can't get much more classic then Offspring! :P


Decent vid just missing some bnak loots.

Sam|Stop Lying

Decent vid just missing some bnak loots.

Yeah, I thought you smited D-Claws, but NOOOOO he wasn't skulled :(


I liked it man! Like rly oldskool simple switches I love that lolz !

5/5 gj

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