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Bonesaw 86 Strength

Sacred Term

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Sacred Term


This video is only for the 25, 25, spec. Ignore everything else its a old video.
Sacred Term

This video is only for the 25, 25, spec. Ignore everything else its a old video.


Epic spec for 86 str mate.


thats a great spec for 86 str

g0dsword y0

Good spec

i hit that with my 82 strength


lol i hit a 305 with dds with 85 str xD 1 def


hit 280-210 just earlier with 77 str lol, still nice regardless


wtf is this sacred pearl shit? i know u said dont ask but now im curious


wtf is this sacred pearl shit? i know u said dont ask but now im curious

Sacred Term

It switches to my dds and puts prayers on and specs for me like instantly just with the press of my mouse button.

Shut Up Kid

It switches to my dds and puts prayers on and specs for me like instantly just with the press of my mouse button.


how'd you do that?


Lol I hit that with my 99 strength pure. That's nothing brah.


hmm so this is just an autoswitcher? I never really liked autoswitchers as there is always an ambiguous few seconds when you're trying to click at the same time as the application is... also it takes out the fun of PKing :D (for some).

Also wondering why you used Perl for this script?

I understand that you may have found it easier to not have to define items as objects in Perl, although it would seem to me that Perl isn't the best language to use for this kind of application.

It seems to be generally accepted that Perl is used mainly for Web-applications, and this is certainly the case in the Industry today, so if you ever want you're coding prowess to give the oppertunity of reaping some rewards for your talent I would advise diverging to C#, C++ or JavaScript as these seem to be the languages currently used in the Industry for the same results as a Perl coder may provide.

I would like to see a more in depth video about this Autoswitcher? and maybe take a gander at the source code if that's OK?  Just to check its free of the many keylogging/phishing properties Perl could provide >_<, sorry to be a sceptic but gotta make sure...

Nice project anyway!

Happy Coding


PS: Happen to have coded a good few projects in Perl so if you need any help just holla! ^_^


lolk nyc but i hited 990 wit 29 stre used grannite mayl :o


Haha, nice hax specs ;p


It switches to my dds and puts prayers on and specs for me like instantly just with the press of my mouse button.

How would you do that seeing as both mouse buttons are used anyway, wouldn't using a hotkey be more efficient?

Anyway, right clicking a mouse, f5, double click is hard enough to make a script for?

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