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Steroids Vid 4! Pure AND Rune Pure Hybriding


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back to tabbing, good to see u figured out you arent foe material.

ot: decent vid

ya im chase

OT: good vid. really enjoyed the zerker bridding

gl if you re-app. you are pretty dedicated and should be given another chance.


first 3 seconds were good but then I had to close

Ya i am Good

keep pking on teh zerk made vid better i think


how does that not sho dedication. he has one foe account, one nh account, and one zerk lol. i know plenty of foe members with a backup pure to nh on


didnt see a defender switch in first clip and a lot through out the vid, your complete trash at zerk bridding. stick to pures


I thought you were badass....but Akon is a faggot.

g0dsword y0

Good vid

but why you cant pk without nh

on pig-steroids it is not that hard

Logan|Iuex V Ied

Nice vid really liked it :)


Looool most gay music I ever heard in a pk vid.

Please delete Akon out of your music list and your life.

Trust me, it's a good thing.

Good vid when muted bro.



I wasn't paying attention, and had this playing in the background.. after doing a couple inventories of herby I noticed the music playing and was like WHAT HTE FUCK IS THIS SHIT..

oh, its a pk video. -turns off-


didnt see a defender switch in first clip and a lot through out the vid, your complete trash at zerk bridding. stick to pures

clearly put at the end that i will get defender and mor switches in next vid idot.

utube heros have obviously made you think that the amount of switches is the only factor of a good pker. stick to skillin.


I thought you were badass....but Akon is a faggot.


pure was good, zerk was average i guess. u complain about me not using 15% prays but u didnt use mage/def leech either :p oh and defender switch is mandatory tbh lol


pure was good, zerk was average i guess. u complain about me not using 15% prays but u didnt use mage/def leech either :p oh and defender switch is mandatory tbh lol

yh i asked people bout the leach things cuz i never pkd with those prays and they sad theyr shit.. and yh getting a defender back is much effort.


pure was good, zerk was average i guess. u complain about me not using 15% prays but u didnt use mage/def leech either :p oh and defender switch is mandatory tbh lol

yh i asked people bout the leach things cuz i never pkd with those prays and they sad theyr shit.. and yh getting a defender back is much effort.

for u its +5% but for them its -10% so its actually +15% for u

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