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Skulls last 20 minutes -.-


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I hate the fact that skulls last as long as they do... 20 minutes? really -.-?

I'm not a newfag to RS been playing for years, but it's always bothered me that they last so long.


then why r u complaining now?


then why r u complaining now?

TBH... dunno o.O

Needed something to rant about i guess :p

Concon hoow yea been nubĀ  ^_^?


i tele to clanwars, die in safe.. skull gone + spec, pray and full hp. Easy.

Free Santas

What he said ^

I also think it works @ Duel Arena

African Stud

just dont be a broke back bitch nigga

Next In Line

just dont be a broke back bitch nigga


Senior Hard

It's never bothered me. I would go apeshit if people lost their skull in a fight every time it lasts over 2 minutes.


imo they should last longer just for the fact no pure never risks anything and the majority tab out either way


2 laws, 2 bloods - takes a few seconds of afking to lose a skull.


imo they should last longer just for the fact no pure never risks anything and the majority tab out either way

I agree


they're fine the way they are, people complain about wild not being here, now they complain about old aspects, deal with it.


I'm not really bothered about how long it lasts, because I'm normally in the wildy all the time anyway :P

Logan|Iuex V Ied

they're fine the way they are, people complain about wild not being here, now they complain about old aspects, deal with it.


i made wildy

sumtimes a piss off when i died with my r scim when i was a nub but doesnt bother me now lol


is a bit of a pain like lol

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