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NH noobs who fail

Free Santas

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Free Santas

I am 64 cb had a 68 try to Hybrid me with ICE BURST and she safed constantly.She DDS speced my while crying out "Bonesaw" despite hitting 100-100.So aswell as being retarded she Tele's on me....I hate wasting sharks I wanted her pixels to repay me!:(

Fail rant about fail hybrid with a fail spec and fail Tele's after fail jumping me over.

Free Santas

Indeed it does...unfortunately:/

I needed the kill pic for when I apply too :(


Lol he must of been trolling, no1 is that dumb.




1. Track down her IP

2. Find where she lives

3. Kill her IRL

4. Take photo

5. Get accepted to FOE

6. PROFIT???

Next In Line

1. Track down her IP

2. Find where she lives

3. Kill her IRL

4. Take photo

5. Get accepted to FOE

6. PROFIT???

1. Create new account

2. Bot it to foe stats

3. App to foe

4. Get declined because you post stupid shit on the forums

5. Kill yourself irl

6. ????



I can relate lol

Kids always trying to brid in edge, and then as soon as I get up close and hit them anything above a 200 overheads go on instantly. It's fucking annoying ._.


1. Track down her IP

2. Find where she lives

3. Kill her IRL

4. Take photo

5. Get accepted to FOE

6. PROFIT???

1. Create new account

2. Bot it to foe stats

3. App to foe

4. Get declined because you post stupid shit on the forums

5. Kill yourself irl

6. ????


1. Worship Next In Line

2. Beg for his account

3. Get his account

4. Get 23 def (like a true main)

4. app to foe

5. get declined cause you're shit

6. ????

7. nigger.


1. Track down her IP

2. Find where she lives

3. Kill her IRL

4. Take photo

5. Get accepted to FOE

6. PROFIT???

1. Create new account

2. Bot it to foe stats

3. App to foe

4. Get declined because you post stupid shit on the forums

5. Kill yourself irl

6. ????


1. Worship Next In Line

2. Beg for his account

3. Get his account

4. Get 23 def (like a true main)

4. app to foe

5. get declined cause you're shit

6. ????

7. nigger.

shut the fuck up baby back bitch, go suck a couple pimple covered dicks

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