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What Stats Should I Aim For?

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Hey guys, once again I seek your knowledge and experience.. :)

I started a new pure, currently 60 attack 60 strength, and almost 70 ranged.

I bought a guide by Bonesaw, where he writes that the most important part of a pure, is his stats, and that there isn't a lot of skill involved, unless you hybrid.

Well, I know for a fact that I'm a horrible pker, but I really want to get good, and I want some stats that are easy to pk with.

So what do you suggest? I'm not much of a "bridder" and I'd like to keep my prayer low, for now. (I like rushing)

So if you don't mind, what do you pros suggest?


60 attack, 80-99 str, 1 def 31 pray.. just train on Npç's youre hp should be well high. 82-94 mage is handy too for rushing.


you BOUGHT a guide from bonesaw? rofl, just train your account, why the hell would you PAY FOR  a guide?!


Contained alot of good information :D And because I want to be a good pker.. ^^

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