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Push / Pull routine

I Meleed I

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Fairly interested in trying it out properly. Anyone have past experience with this before? Heard some pretty good things - they're balanced in terms of frequency, rest, and volume. Routine is similar to this:


Squats 3x6

Decline Bench 3x6

Push Press 3x6

Upright Row 15 rep pause (technically a pull)

Tricep exercise (varies) 15 rep pause


deadlift 3x6

yates row 3x6

lat pulldowns / (push ups3x6) 15 rep pause

leg curl 2x10

bicep curl 2x10

(rep pause = find a weight you can do 9 reps on, do 8, take 15/20 deep breaths, bust out 5 more, 15/20 deep breaths, last 2)

Routine goes  - AxBxAxx


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Only thing ive really done is superset back and chest which worked really well. Doing wide arms, straight onto bench press. Thats push/pull

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