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Bandos Godsword!


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Allright i've worked hard and finally ive got my first 20m. Now i've always wanted a godsword and i saw alot of posts on Foe Forum saying BGS is the best godsword when pking on a pure. (+ If i ever lose it i can get 2 new godswords for the price of an ags.)

Also im getting very bored of 60 attack. What are your thoughts? Should i buy it? I will never make it to save up for an ags.. :/


Yes tbh, get 75 attack and buy one, the non-spec damage is immense too, i'm sure if you pk for logn enough with a BGS you will make enough to get an AGS... infact, wait, what is your strength before you make any quick decisions? If it's under 90 i would suggest getting more str first.


I am 85 , and i was thinking about training my str with the bgs? =S


Ags=around 3 and a half bgs's

Smited B O W

Training with bgs is crap so maybe get a sara sword and train with that then sell an d enjoy your bgs whilst pking.


What Smited said, training with bgs sucks because it's so slow, SS is probably as fast as whip, and it gives str bonus (I'm the master of the obvious)


Yeah SS is exactly the same as whip stats/speed wise, but it can train strength.


95 strength before 75 attack, really the bgs is useful - BGS to Granite Maul, 3 hits at once if timed properly generally dominates pures 20- def, but then the BGS special attack is very effective against defence too.

Overall it's worth the 19.5m or w/e it is now.  I personally own one, and I rip through tanks (I'm 103 combat).


Allright i just need 25m then ima buy it :)


I am 85 , and i was thinking about training my str with the bgs? =S

Train with SS, it's cheaper and faster for training strength.

To be honest just save up for an AGS/Claws.. I've always found BGS to be rather weak for a godsword.


But i'm never gonna be able to get 70m....


Not sure i find that 75+ attack just brings you to a much higher combat fighting much stronger mains maybe save for d claws or somthing?


I don't like d claws :S i feel its TOO overpowered


:D also, i dont mind fighting Berserker PKERS or Range Tanks because i think they are easier to beat than pures O.o


Overpowered is good if you are using them :)


Do it. You never know when God Sword prices will rise.



NAO! <3

I love using claws lol idc if they're over powered or not.

They're awesome for pking


Ï'm pretty sure Bandos Godsword will crash soon :S


Meh ill slowly work my way up for an AGS, as it seems like hella fun to use in , PHTP and stuff :P


I'd say get BGS. As Pur3 said, you'll probably make enough money with Bgs for Ags. 

personally, i think ags > bgs.


make more money? through pking or what? cuz i think they nerfed bh if im not mistaken.


I'm flipping money atm :P will have 40m in the end of summer

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