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Not trolling Jesus!

Senior Hard

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Senior Hard

Ok, so. I was just a bit baffled over the PK-clips competition, sorry for caring so much, something is wrong with me. However, I have a question, seeing as like 80% of the clips were edge-prodding, and I barely see foe PK-ing at drags and shit. Why is this?

You don't enjoy briding, you don't have any friends that enjoy PK-ing at drags or can TB? You don't like it 'cause people pray/teleport, or do you just not PK ínbetween clantrips?

Have in mind I'm just asking the individuals in FOE, not bashing you as a clan. I just wanna see your view upon this. I want drags to get more competitive and fun. There's suuuch a small amount of people actually pking at drags with their m8s even tho it is hillarious, and FOE doesn't seem to be an exception to this. Get out there guys. It's supposed to be fucking fun. It IS.


Foe Pk at drags all day

people i see is me, sonny, rober,  snipers, mortuls (i think), and sometimes walli or kyle

Senior Hard

Haven't seen you at easts yet though  :p

but 6 out of like 90 members..


i pk at drags whenever im on

but its just hard to get kills coz everyone tabs or u get taged


Foe Pk at drags all day

people i see is me, sonny, rober,  snipers, mortuls (i think), and sometimes walli or kyle

and this only applies to euro worlds e.g w23 i think
Senior Hard

Yea ok. Do you ever go easts with a team?


i pk at wests, and yes im always w23 unless theres a team ill hop to 124.

first month we used to go easts all the time, idk why we went to west


Foe Pk at drags all day

people i see is me, sonny, rober,  snipers, mortuls (i think), and sometimes walli or kyle

u forgot someone

Foe Pk at drags all day

people i see is me, sonny, rober,  snipers, mortuls (i think), and sometimes walli or kyle

u forgot someone

ur not pure

i said the ppl that i see, i guess u pk at easts mori


i said the ppl that i see, i guess u pk at easts mori

more at wests, i see  u sometimes at w23

cant belife ronald got disqualified


I dont like to get attacked by people with 10cb higher as me


probably due to no honour pkers at easts, the hybriders at edge dont tele often or pray as often as east


Drags is useless unless you take a team, you get tagged to fuck.

hence why edge clips are where most kids pk

Senior Hard

Well duh, why don't people bring their own team. That's where the fun is tbh. Running shit solo isn't half as fun sa cooperation

Next In Line

Because this game is retarded and coded so poorly. I'll be in max mage for my def (40) and splash on full rune 5 times in a row. Then I'll dds spec 0 - 0 when the kid is in mystic and like no defence bonuses when I'm 78 attk and 99 str WITH turmoil fully activated. It's just plain retarded, that's the reason I quit and that's the reason I never even went drags in this new wild.

OLD wild was the shit. And I'm not talking about this stupid ass new wild with op weapons and shitty coding. I was at easts everyday all day when old wild was around, now it's just not the same.

Logan|Iuex V Ied

cant belife ronald got disqualified



i solo west 90% of the time i pk, i hate edge + east, i rage WAY too hard when i get tagged/jumped..

but i've been pking at west since Slee was c0sa and they had the 112 crew i tagged along with..


use to pk with 5th gate out there a bunch too


Senior Hard

Nope, but without me there never would be Imok. Gave him Yet I Do Own when his own account got locked  :)


used to love pking at drags..

but now a days everybody is tabbing or just running off straight away.

and no im not soo noob that I cant kill them when they teleblocked and wanna run off, its just that most of the time you just get tagged by orther pkers.


yh wests > easts


I don't like pking on my pure as much as my main, im on vacation right now so not pking at all

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