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scim's quest for some arecee :D

Milky Hit

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well hello lately ive been gettign borad a little bit and went fogging and i saw my rc was down so i was like why not use my token on the air rc gloves and get rc up so i am doing that atm...

here is my gear ik i need to get boot of lightness but cba to go get lol :)

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then here are my starting stats

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my goal is to have around 50+ in the next week so wish me luck  :D <3 and ill be posting my level up by every 10 or so till 40 :D


Nice but all you need to get boot's of lightness is a candle and a slashing weapon and just walk south of camelot.


Nice but all you need to get boot's of lightness is a candle and a slashing weapon and just walk south of camelot.

ik just am lazy lol will do in liek 5 mins prob :)


50 runecrafting is well worth it.Gop is nice cash and the robes are amazing for 10- Defence.Personally when I've gotten 50 rcing I found the fastest way is fires with duelling rings.Tele to castle wars to bank,then back to duel arena to craft the ess.Good luck with 50 Runecrafting


I just got 50 runecrafting and the gop robes. Took me two days scaping  :(. Good luck  :D


Wated it on air rc gloves.........

Should just got 30 rc and used earth ones.

Goodluck though.


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sorr lol forgot to update my levels but i just got this

Y4nk33 D33s

nice, keep up the good work


Do fire runes with ring of duelling to 50.

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