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im fucked...


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"Windows is detecting a HD error scanning now."

Keeping this short and sweet since I can only use my phone at this time...

Its definitely a rogue, not sure how I got it..


ALL FILES/FOLDERS in computer seem to be wiped (while the virus is running)

only program icons remain on desktop

Before it got that bad I stated a malware scan, it detected and removed 1 rogue and suggested a reboot, so I clicked yes.

It rebooted and the fans inside sounded like they were Going to explode, started up to a black screen with that fake windows repair scanner running..

Immediately unplugged my computer

Suggestions / help?

-Sent From My DROID X

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Not a fucking clue, I was botting my main and on foe-rums and fb, just stood up to turn on my Xbox and grab a pop and saw the flashing window..

Edit: I don't click sketchy links or anything..

-Sent From My DROID X

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Pretty sure I posted on how to get rid of this shit a while ago, cant remember how now though. I'll browse for it on forums. gimmeh a min

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When I boot up it just goes directly to black screen then the rouge pops up, there's no way to even get into the menu, and I've had rogues before but this is something new entirely

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When I boot up it just goes directly to black screen then the rouge pops up, there's no way to even get into the menu, and I've had rogues before but this is something new entirely.

-Sent From My DROID X

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So I just downloaded and ran rkill then did a malware scan, removed 2 Trojans and a rouge. Started it back up and still the same blackscreen problem... any suggestions?

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reinstall your operating system completely.

system restore does fuck all. All the programs that may be hazardous to your computer won't be uninstalled and if they are the istaller files themselves won't be deleted so it will keep coming back.

I installed linux and then formatted my MSDOS partition as I had an extremey beautiful virus lodged in there. It basicly meant that even if I installed windows it would come back. So we wiped it with linux and then set up a seperate partition for linux and windows. Make sure you do it from boot up disc though. That's how i fixed my laptop and it's running fine now. This was ofcourse my last resort but it does seem you've tried all the other suggestions.

And don't take it to a shop because they will do the exact same thing anyway.

As for whatever Haduken posted, you may as well try it and should it not work then reinstall.

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If that link doesn't work, use one of the antiviruses tested and proven to rape rogues here it's a basic step by step guide to raping them also, all the Antivurses are listed in the first step.

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reinstall your operating system completely.

system restore does fuck all. All the programs that may be hazardous to your computer won't be uninstalled and if they are the istaller files themselves won't be deleted so it will keep coming back.

I installed linux and then formatted my MSDOS partition as I had an extremey beautiful virus lodged in there. It basicly meant that even if I installed windows it would come back. So we wiped it with linux and then set up a seperate partition for linux and windows. Make sure you do it from boot up disc though. That's how i fixed my laptop and it's running fine now. This was ofcourse my last resort but it does seem you've tried all the other suggestions.

And don't take it to a shop because they will do the exact same thing anyway.

As for whatever Haduken posted, you may as well try it and should it not work then reinstall.

HERP DERP... a REAL system restore is reinstalling your OS and wiping everything, good try though. You are thinking of the point in time restores.

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downloading asc gonna give it a whirl now..

i'll report back in a bit..

i got Joe|Bridd to check on my acc's and change my pass's for me too.. they all seem to be safe at the moment..

edit: @ haduken, ummm that first link you gave, you're 100% that was a clean good link right..? cause it scanned in like 20 seconds and came up with this..


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Bad luck man. I wonder how you got infected ...

Yea I know man, only went to forums here, and Facebook... gg'd

-Sent From My DROID X

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