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Wtfpwnbbqed's Goals Achievements


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Well right now im F2P so here are my stats and goals before I waste 20 bucks becoming a member.

1/40 Attack

1/60 Strength

40/60 Range

40/45 Mage

27 Combat right now..

I'm hoping to achieve these stats within the next week or so.

My plan is to max at 60 attack for a while, then get 75 attack for extra pwnage.

Warn Fishers

Use pictures to make your topic hawt.

Goodluck tho


He doesn't need to use pictures, as his sig says, he's Jesus

I purestr5 I

GL. And AMG you Jesus. Lol

-Pan Waffles

hectic power

gl on ur stats, and gl on making it the rest of the way across that pool


Why would you spend $20 on membership?


Damn,20$ for members,I live in Canada and pay 11$ for membership and I thought I was being ripped off.


How do you have so much time, to put that much effort into you're thread?

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