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Sunday 4th April


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Today FOE came out and destroyed the wilderness. We dominated whatever we could find and we let our enemies know our name. As usual we headed out 1 hour earlier than most clans to see if we could get some action from anything we could find before the major clans stepped into the wilderness. Overall FOE had an outstanding trip with an approximate pull of 90, peaking at 95. The first clan fight we had was against EOP which was located around sperm hill, ghosthut and west of boneyard. FOE clearly had the upper hand in this fight as we were clearing all of the white dots in a matter of minutes. All looked clear with a minimum amount of EOP left until they had a quick return from the 84 teleport spot. As the fight went on pushing forward towards 18 ports from ghost hut MM along with some HF rushed from Pond just west of ghosthut. Along side EOP, FOE dominated MM+HF throughout graveyard pummeling them back to lumbridge leaving them red in the face as we gained some bank loot.

Starting Opts

FOE - 90

EOP - 100

MM - 105

HF - 45?

Ending Opts

FOE - 85

EOP - 90

MM - 0

HF - 35










Later on in the trip after we had cleared MM we got a bank and regrouped edge bridge ready to get back out. MM clearly were upset but karma is a bitch. The ending fight of the trip took place at new gate and rouges castle. FOE were on newgate hill as HF rushed down from 50 ports getting themselves into a barrage/snipe fight against FOE. With no hope of winning HF decided to back off as MM hopped quickly from their current world and rushed straight out of rouges castle. MM rushed east past 50 portal getting caught inside a major barrage clump just west of new gate hill. With the help of EOP we cleared MM+HF yet again by sandwiching them south of rouges castle. With HF cleared, MM had no body guards so they rushed it straight to axe hut to regroup in single. We chased them all the way and took a load of them out in single gained more loot and draining more of their bank.

Starting Opts

FOE - 95

HF - 40?

MM - 100

EOP - 40?

Ending Opts

FOE - 60

HF - 0

MM - 60

EOP - 30








Thanks all for the fights and the bank loot, see you next weekend.


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