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Clan Updates: Wars and Scores

Dave (Cha0s)

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Dave (Cha0s)


The first of many clan updates will be on the 14th April, With memberlists being inbuilt into the game engine.

(It doesn't mension that on this topic however I have read around the Clan Leaders forum on the Official boards and thats the chosen date. )

No clan can have the same clan name eitherĀ  ;o


Lets register Mayhem makers fast


Means if someone wants to piss us of he can make his clan name Final Ownage Elite before we do...


Means if someone wants to piss us of he can make his clan name Final Ownage Elite before we do...



Means if someone wants to piss us of he can make his clan name Final Ownage Elite before we do...


We have Sefket who is so nerdish fast he will get the name before others are even aware.


yh sounds epic surely foe will be top as always :D

Shut Up Kid

someone take mm's lol


Tbh They know most big clans already have like dedicated clan chats...

FinalOwnage for example.

Even if somebody does take the name can always make come kind of variation like Foe Channel FOE Final Ownage


What Chris said


sounds great


lots of people are going to lurk all day waiting for the update :p better be fast with registering Foe.


Looks / sounds great :D


I'm going do some research and camp out when I think it will be updated and register all the clan names I know then sell it ;)

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