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Future FOE Member !

Wtf RedBar

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So this thread will basically be what I've done on runescape for the day . I will try to do this daily but I live a pretty hectic life . With this thread i will also be trying to show FOE i would be a serious member . RSN- Dank Treezz ; Skype- ko-is-ftw ; Teamspeak- Dank Treezz


Moving to newfoundland Friday April 8th 2011


Current Stats :

Attack- 50

Strength- 59

Defence- 10

Range- 74

Magic- 43

Prayer- 44

Hp- 63


April 7th-

Went pking and died 3 times :/ ( G MAUL FUCKED ME AGAIN ! )

So i decided to go train for awhile .

I will be spending the next couple of days at bandits until 70 Strength and 60 Attack .

Maybe a few pking trips when i get bored .


Put me in the support list!! xD


hectic life huh?

Well yeah lately got kicked outta my school so now im moving so atm yes . XD


nice dude


wdf is this bs

How is it bs lol ? Think before you comment please .


Okay sorry i havent updated since i moved to newfoundland i havent been on at all . I cant get on the internet on my laptop and the desktop im on atm sucks bady . Ill start updating again once mthe internet is fixed . Bank grew 17m in 2 day from pking . Ill do a bank screen pic or bank video soon .


Zomg stop hatin dude he went pking and died 3 times.

Respect dude.


wow a g & a thread without pictures,  never seen before, respect


Keep working mate, maybe once you will be there :)

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