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This acc was originally supposed to be like my old pure that got reset, Maxed 60atk 13 prayer. Right now im 90str 90range 94magic (70cb), Should i get 44 prayer? id be higher cb.. and it wouldnt be like my old pure anymore.. but if i had protect melee i can chin 99 range.. idk what to do. i was also thinking about 75 atk for ags :s but 60 atk is fn too. :L What should i do!!


^ great reply mate!

id suggest 45 prayer for 60atk since you can then brid... id only keep 13 for 50atk

however if you want it to be like your old pure then go for it :P

also dont get 75atk, you become pretty high cb and always worry about losing ags (i mean, my pure atm is maxed 75atk and i just end up pking with dds, so why not be a few cb levels lower yet still hit the same?)


75 atk is shit, ags is worthless n so inconsistant

if ur gonna get pray get 52, smite is a great idea, and yea only 13 pray for 50 atk, gl wit the acc


75 attack sucks. Stay 60.

I prefer 50 attack and 13 prayer, 60 attack with 13 prayer at 79 max combat doesn't work in 2k11.

Get 45, if you don't like it get 52, if you don't like it make a new pure.

I got prayer on my 60 attack pure a few days ago, i regret getting 60 attack because it forced me to get prayer as well.


Yeah I would get 44 prayer lol

Shut Up Kid

60 atk with ur current stats


60 att ftw  44 prayer would be nice


if you're gonna edge pk 13/31 if you're gonna brid 45


75 attack sucks. Stay 60.

I prefer 50 attack and 13 prayer, 60 attack with 13 prayer at 79 max combat doesn't work in 2k11.

Get 45, if you don't like it get 52, if you don't like it make a new pure.

I got prayer on my 60 attack pure a few days ago, i regret getting 60 attack because it forced me to get prayer as well.


Nice acc there, but I woud get 44-52 pray maybe..


60 Attack and 45 prayer. If you don't like it get 75 :o


pics would have been better


If I were you I'd get prayer as it's definitely worth it, I wouldn't get 75 attack as it's dissapointing.

Saying this I have the experience of 13 prayer 99 str mauler, 99 str 75 attack 2 def AGSer, and playing on a nearly maxed

60 attack pure of my friend.

By the way, realize that if you get prayer it's pretty important that you also get a fire cape, as it's on of the benefits of prayer.

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