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2 decent names


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Okay, I create names when im bored sometimes...and I just created 2 that I think aren't that bad...tell me which one you like more and why please (if you want)

One old pker

One old Sage

Tap U Hard

pker, I don't really like sage because the word sage isn't really used in rs :)


I don't understand why people post names really, i mean if i needed a name i'd jack you'res just to piss you off if i was a dick.. But anyway Pker, like above you don't hear about sage alot in Rs.


I like One old pker. Just because it's more RS related.


both extreamly gay tbfh

E1f of dark

yea One Old Pker is neat


I would go for One Old Pker but still..

You should do some other research for better names =/

But my name soks too DW =P



One Old Pker :S

How are you going to PK people if your too old to pk :O


none,  but if i have to choose... i would choose the first one

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