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I need your thoughts about whats more fun, 60 attack or 75. Please the ones who has got 75 from 60 gimme ur thoughts :D thanks.



On strength lvl.. 75 is better on higher strenght..

And on wut you like ? Low level pking ? 60 attack or High level pking ? 75attack..

I would go for 75 after you get bored of 60 =P



allright, well i kind of like high lvl pking i guess, but i might try claws before getting a gs.


id say gs/ss pking gives you more choice, therefore making it more fun. 75 wins ;)


0h really, :P well its hard to decide, since i cant afford ags :/


if u cant afford ags definitely not.

and if your 44 prayer (not 52 because it raises combat just a bitt too much) and 90+ str 70 attack with SS has proven to be good.

Got A Big Un

i wouldnt get 75 attack at the max get 70 unless u can get enough for an AGS


60. There lower your cb, the more pure IMO.


i would stay 60 attack lower cb and more fun

if your 70 attack or 75 would raise your cb a lot and you will fight more zerker pures so will be a challenge

Smited B O W

60, you can get 15 more str lvl's for the 75 attack


Depends on what you can afford, if you can afford d claws stay 60 if you can afford whip-plus a godsword or ss plus a godsword or whip-ss-plus godsword then get 75 att with ATLEAST 90 str


Godswords are a pathetic waste of your time and money. 60.


When I make decisions like that, I'd think about the money situation. If I can hold a GS, afford it, not lose it etc.. then why not? IMO GS's seem pretty fun to use. Then again, if I don't have the cash for it, then why bother getting 75 attack? I stick to what I can afford, and how it will benefit me.

hunt godlink

60 For sure. 75 if you plan to get high combat


Get 75 If you can afford it.

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