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On the 10th of April, 2011. I sold my account P4 Jnr to Pulse|Phil. For a X anount, Pulse|Phil was not satisfied with the account and as a result sold it to Jack. Jack in result sold the account "Foe" to Pulse|Phil. For 370M, (I am not sure where the figure came from). And within two days has recovered the account with approx 100M of Pulse|Phil's goods.

So as a good friend does, I said to Jack i'll sell him my pure for 370M.Which he agreed on, as his "Foe" account has 2 defence. In a result, I gave him a fake password and recovories and traded Pulse|Phil his 370M back (although approximatly 100M was taken off Pulse|Phil).

I won't recover my P4 Jnr back off Jack as I cancelled the recovories and email. So as a result, Jack get's a free pure but Pulse|Phil still get's his money. And at the end of the day everyone come's out even (in a way).

Now as for reputation in Foe, I do not belive I am a "scammer". As Robin Hood did, take from the rich and give to the poor. I have 6 year's of trust and loyalty within this community. I will be happy to answer any question's reguarding this matter.


And this is why Jagex has these in their rules. I honestly don't even care anymore.


Well I have all chat logs saved, so will upload along with trade pics.

I bought P4 Jnr from Pulse|Phil for 210m only, staked against his account 'Divine Slays' to xfer the money.

I sold my account 'Foe' to Dravid as well as 65m in return for his turmoil zerker, I never traded Foe to Pulse or anybody else. My reason for selling 'Foe' was because of 2def.

I though I'd bought Ranging Pink from P4 just earlier today for 370m, until he logged out after I traded the money, then Sefket linked me here.


I wonder when the day will come when people stop being surprised that money and accounts get stolen and recovered


Dont buy accounts. Simples?

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