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im getting back into working out and im looking to start taking steroids, ive orderd some test boosters which ill give a try, im not an intense serious body builder, im just looking to tone up and get bigger for the summer and ive got the gym in my garrage so can sumone give me a low risk side effects steroid which i can use to help thanks

edit: i dont want somthing thats strong just somthing for my 1st steroid


Try anabol tablets, dont know to much about them but have a read at what others say on here and search on google but be careful what you buy because it could be anything.


must do a lot of research and read a lot of reviews etc.

post cycle theorapy (PCT), is something you need to look in to.

i'v done natural testosterone boosters a couple times.

steroids once.


If you want my honest opinion. Avoid. The best thing for a great body is a good workout over an extended period of time.

If you naturally build you will maintain the muscle easily, it may take a few more months to achieve the physique you want, but if you use the wrong type of steroids as soon as you come off the drug you will lose all the muscle you have gained.

Supplements I reccomend:

- Whey Protein

- Creatine

- L Glutamine/Glutamine peptides

- Multivitamin


Steroids, can you tell me how the test boosters and steroids worked out for you and would you do them again?

and sam is creatine worth buying? gains?


Dont take any if your just looking to tone up just have a good diet and train and do cardio.


There's a search button... use it.


env, dont come on here to talk greeze, its a forum about health and fittness


Steroids, can you tell me how the test boosters and steroids worked out for you and would you do them again?

and sam is creatine worth buying? gains?

For what I know about creatine, you won't become bigger, you will just look bigger.

Apparently, it's function is to retain body water. If you stopped taking Creatine, the water would leave your body through natural ways and your body mass would decrease.


that isn't creatines primary function. its to give you that extra push during workouts.


would you recomend it steroids?


Steroids, can you tell me how the test boosters and steroids worked out for you and would you do them again?

and sam is creatine worth buying? gains?

For what I know about creatine, you won't become bigger, you will just look bigger.

Apparently, it's function is to retain body water. If you stopped taking Creatine, the water would leave your body through natural ways and your body mass would decrease.

^ This. I witnessed this first hand with one of my older wrestling coaches. He had taken creatine for a while and once they stopped, he got all flabby because creatine was to retain the water giving the appearance of getting bigger. I'm not one to talk seeing as I don't take creatine, but I wouldn't advise it.

Other thing ... don't take shortcuts. I'd rather be natural and maintain my physique instead of taking shortcuts.


As Beastdefire said, its to take part in the ATP system, Creatine donates phosphate groups to your muscles

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