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Retarded 2k10/2k11 trends


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ppl thinking theyre good when they actually make a kill once in their life

ppl sayin things like cya kid when they ko u with a lucky spec

ppl teleporting after spec

ppl teleporting in a fight when youre owning

ppl teleporting in a fight when they said dm

ppl ring of lifing when you just did 2 hits


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I Hart Pixlz

Using the symbols "2k10; 2k11" instead of "2010; 2011" is a trend..


"cya hick" is fkn annoyin


people making topics about random shit, i think thats up there

Nah, i think that's always been around.


retards at minis with ovlds who come into to you and think there good

Shut Up Kid

retards at minis with ovlds who come into to you and think there good

92 herb is like 60m bro


"cya hick" is fkn annoyin

cya hick


2 many overhead prays, Turmoil, korasi prods, chaotics


15 year olds calling people kids

brids who make no sense

tele after 0% spec

rednecks with wiz khalifa names

people saying swag when they dont even know what it means

Its zeh noob


Fury Of Jax

Retarded rushers that rush you when you have ph neck on and not skulled >.> then when they obviously fail going wtf and teleing haha


Everyone bitching about RS all the time, you all say " OMG I WISH IT WAS BACK IN 05" back in 05 people were wishing it was 03, and saying how shit RS is, Jagex tries but cannot seem to please any of you..

Shut Up Kid

Everyone bitching about RS all the time, you all say " OMG I WISH IT WAS BACK IN 05" back in 05 people were wishing it was 03, and saying how shit RS is, Jagex tries but cannot seem to please any of you..

because they always find a way to fuck something up


Talking trash and tabbing out when spec fails

Raging at using any equipment that isnt dscim/dds.. etc "OMG NO PH NECK OR I RUN/OMG NO SMITE OR I RUN/OMG NO ADDY ARMOUR OR I RUN/OMG NO CLIMBER BOOT OR I RUN" etc

Getting rushed / pjed / tagged in EVERY FIGHT

Getting 1banged by voiders with cannon :/

Potting up for someone then they go fight someone else who just rushed them


fucken d claw/korasi pjers, i get them all the time, funny thing is they wont get the loot and they think they are good shit,


Everyone bitching about RS all the time, you all say " OMG I WISH IT WAS BACK IN 05" back in 05 people were wishing it was 03, and saying how shit RS is, Jagex tries but cannot seem to please any of you..

The game has not changed - the players have changed.


Everyone bitching about RS all the time, you all say " OMG I WISH IT WAS BACK IN 05" back in 05 people were wishing it was 03, and saying how shit RS is, Jagex tries but cannot seem to please any of you..

The game has not changed - the players have changed.



when people say "mummy" when they die to me


people saying rambo or bonesaw after a spec when they're no bonesaw or soft pillow.

make your own catchphrase up or just say something respectful.

people thinking soft pillow invented the rambo spec...

people thinking they can invent something in runescape.

imo ur gay if u say bonesaw spec.


playing rs is a retarded trend

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