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Retarded 2k10/2k11 trends


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dunno if anyone has said this but warrior helm + dagger is probably cause they have whip and are using the slash bonus and ardy cloak + whip i use because it gives you beast dagger specs when you switch to dagger, if that makes sense.

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LOL Who cares honestly, people kill how they want a say what they want, if there gonna be dk heads ignore them, rushing is crappy tho


LOL Who cares honestly, people kill how they want a say what they want, if there gonna be dk heads ignore them, rushing is crappy tho

yes, they kill how they want, ' if there gonna be dk heads ignore them '

right.. so if you get pjed in a fight and die and the kid who killed u thinks hes all big cuz he finally hit something whilst its not even his loot we have to ignore it?

do you even pk dude? or are you just stupid


kids in prods gear thinking beasting some1 in welf makes them pro


u know whats a gay ass trend?

people saying 2k11 2k12 2k10, type the fuckin 0 u try hard to be cool cocks..

Elven Dremor

It's a game, they can say and do what ever they want.

The more Jagex changes the game, the more 'trends' will form.

People that complain constantly about these trends are the real annoyance.

The people that use 'noob' gear are what also makes PKing fun, it's free shit.

Wouldn't be fun if EVERYONE used the best gear, with perfect switches, and what not.

Think before you write a stupid thread.


elven speaks the truth^


no one says noob now, just hick, kid, bitch, mug etc


Oh almost forgot idiots in dung, thinking that 5:5 is soloing.

Today i was in a dung with greedy people all going for hood. They didn't share food so i told them that i'd leave if they didn't share the 50 blue crabs that they looted with their tiny asian fingers.

Then some mug of course keeps spamming cya hick (wtf is this 3rd grade or what?). I keep trying to tell him that it's a bad idea to be greedy in a dung since people quit. He just tells me that no one will miss me etc. Ofc i leave because i cba dunging with such idiots.

Later he rage-pmed me because they couldn't finish dung.

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