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Kiid Ownage - BH Vid 2

Kiid Ownage

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Kiid Ownage

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Loved the vid dude watched it 2 times actually.


Great video that maul spec was insane when it hit 41.


Nice vid.

Better than Vid 1, which was great anyway.


It was kinda of like the first one :s good hits though.


Pretty good


Usually vids are repetitive, but this was quite good. Keep making them. :nice:

I K 0 Unit I

kinda like vid 1 but v nice stil. and nice 41 wit g maul.

Combo Obby

nice vid, liking the music :P


Nice Vid, make me miss being able whip.


nice vid kiid u make me wanna get 20def :)  :nice: :nice: :nice:


I'm not easily impressed but I have to say that that was one of the best I have seen in a long while.

Some possible improvements; Try pking with a small team farther in the wilderness against some mains would be nice and some more hybriding as well.

I Meleed I

Really enjoyed that vid. Takes alot for me to enjoy a video these days, it's all the same, but this was really good, good soundtrack, good kills, good variation.

Gonna be hard to top it.

Dave (Cha0s)

Very Impressive vid, Reminded me of Meleed lol.


good vid mate, nice hitd and editting, and end of day, if you got the cash to put in and get impressive kills n hits, why not.

Next time make a new intro tho :P

Jays Destiny

Very nice vid =p..never understood why 20 Def pkers would buy stat/vesta for the extra bonus then not use a Mithril defender =o...dunno =p

Nice vid/specs/kos (y)

Kiid Ownage

good vid mate, nice hitd and editting, and end of day, if you got the cash to put in and get impressive kills n hits, why not.

Next time make a new intro tho :P

Im thinking of a new intro now :P thanks for the comments guys ;)


Oh nice bro :D, you really remind me of myself pking back in the day.

So it was nice to watch it =).

Awesome video bro, loved your swaps.

When I thought 'ok swap now' you actually did it lol so that was good :D.


amazing vid favorite so farr

Its zeh noob

Yeh lovely vid ;)


a  very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very good vid, enjoyed it.


Loved it.


Wow! O.o

Very Impressive vid!


Lol at the guy named 'I H8 Safers'

He safes lol

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