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More win than charlie sheen himself.


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Sup Den? Gotta still get 25k tokens for staff and then 30k for ASN though D:

Def is 100% quested, got the bones for 95, expect application in a week or so.

edit: oh, and 900 posts.

Sam|Stop Lying

I'm assuming you're going to get 80 att?


I'm assuming you're going to get 80 att?

Nah he just wanted to get it.

Gratz man

Sam|Stop Lying

I'm assuming you're going to get 80 att?

Nah he just wanted to get it.

Gratz man

Oh alright, not many people dung just to dung.


Grats mate, didnt even realise you played tbh.. nice one :nice:

Dan| High Rating

nice work bro lookin forward to ur app :)



Nice, would get 80attk if i were you though, rapier is beast.


get a staff?

At least josh read, i said i was getting a staff, my old turmoil pure was high attack and although i totally raped with ags hitting constant 700s with spec every day, i wanna try 60 for a while seeing as staff protects over most things :) after staff, if i get bored of 60 attack i'll be getting rapier.


Your stats are pretty nice, should get slayer up D:

Grats on 39.


i find it heartbreaking that you purposely got 30 defense and you're applying with it and you'll get in


Grats, nice account btw.

p.s good luck with your app


Your stats are pretty nice, should get slayer up D:

Grats on 39.

Yeeee, once i re-get my 95 pray i'll be getting slay helm then aiming for all 70s+ and at the same time try getting 55+ slayer and 50+ farming.

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