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You know you're addicted to RS when..

ilx ace ilx

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ilx ace ilx


Lets see what you guests got, SHOW FOE what you got! ^^

*Note* any flaming, bs, inappropriate, provoking, flame-baiting comments will be warned/suspended/banned if necessary.


When you dream about scape


When you realise that Ace has had the same avatar for like.. since the begining of time.


you let bees roam around your room because you're too into the game

I Meleed I


When you look up "Runescape porn" in hopes of finding fapping material.

(look that up, you'll find bonesaws vids... continue to fap.)

Gareth l Rare

You spend your days constantly posting on a rs forum.........


When your too lazy to get up and make food and you pay your little sister too.


When you think you can bash the crap out of anyone in a club because your 99 str


When you look up "Runescape porn" in hopes of finding fapping material.

(look that up, you'll find bonesaws vids... continue to fap.)

When someone actually goes and google that. ( :P )


Nah for real, when you get mad at Rs and shout at people in discussions in-game.


When you set your IRC nick to , Ilx Ace Ilx`Sleep`Away, but really, you are playing RS secretly without telling anyone..

Oh I mean when you err, oh forget it, thats it. :>


When u get a chaotic maul in 9 days without bots starting from 1, like me.


When u get a chaotic maul in 9 days without bots starting from 1, like me.

When you get so bored with pking, you end up using 'Purple Flowers' as part of your combo.. :whistle:


When you set your IRC nick to , Ilx Ace Ilx`Sleep`Away, but really, you are playing RS secretly without telling anyone..

Oh I mean when you err, oh forget it, thats it. :>


You know you have played too much runescape when your girlfriends pants become a rare drop.

you know you have played rs too much when you mistake 'M' in a maths test as Mills

you know you have played to much runescape when your at a firework display and every time fire work goes of your looking to see who has leveled

you know when you have played to much runescape when your mum only gives you half a tin of baked bins and you shout scammer at her.


When you make a topic on a rs-related forum about how rs-related your life is! :shifty:


when u try to play it on your mobile phone


When u get a chaotic maul in 9 days without bots starting from 1, like me.

When you get so bored with pking, you end up using 'Purple Flowers' as part of your combo.. :whistle:

Dave (Cha0s)

When you make a topic on a rs-related forum about how rs-related your life is! :shifty:

Or when you own someone on forums then brag about it on IRC  :wub:


When you stay home from a party to play rs instead getting laid.


You know you have played too much runescape when your girlfriends pants become a rare drop.

Nice wordplay :].


You know you have played too much runescape when your girlfriends pants become a rare drop.

you know you have played rs too much when you mistake 'M' in a maths test as Mills

you know you have played to much runescape when your at a firework display and every time fire work goes of your looking to see who has leveled

you know when you have played to much runescape when your mum only gives you half a tin of baked bins and you shout scammer at her.

I wonder how do you know so much about addiction to RS..


when you take a poo and a raw tuna falls out


when you take a poo and a raw tuna falls out



when you play runescape from 10am-4am daily.

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