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You know you're addicted to RS when..

ilx ace ilx

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Am i the only person here who has rocktail + chips from the chip shop?


You like to masterbate over pixles


When you go to mc ds asking for a KFC krushem

Next In Line

You spend your days constantly posting on a rs forum.........

..................when you don't even play rs.


When you threaten to DDS rush someone over Facebook because they pissed you off.

(Actually happened with a friend lawl)


when a kid fights you irl because he thought u were gonna keylog him... true story.


When you login for the second time.


When you start making sexual inuendos to do with runescape weapons...

D long anyone? =[


When you've quit Runescape and are just posting for the +1.



When you know that you should probably go to uni but you'd rather get as much xp as you can and even though your exams are in less than a week and you know fuck all because you've not turned up all year yet you still scape for that extra level and hope you get questions you know the answers to.


when u have a nightmare that u got defence


holy fucking shit

its ace

balls dropped


holy fucking shit

its ace

balls dropped

Really not a big deal..


holy fucking shit

its ace

balls dropped

Really not a big deal..

tj............................................................its a huge deal

holy fucking shit

its ace

balls dropped

Really not a big deal..

tj............................................................its a huge deal

Really isn't though

Sam|Stop Lying

holy fucking shit

its ace

balls dropped

Really not a big deal..

tj............................................................its a huge deal

Really isn't though

Ace is the equivalent to like idk, ... Jesus making an account and fucking posting on these forums.


when you take a poo and a raw tuna falls out


OT: When your playtime exceeds 100 days and you haven't botted. (Just under one third of a year spent sat playing a game)

When you make up excuses to your friends that you can't go out and do shit then sit playing runescape appearing offline on skype etc.


holy fucking shit

its ace

balls dropped

Really not a big deal..

tj............................................................its a huge deal

Really isn't though

Ace is the equivalent to like idk, ... Jesus making an account and fucking posting on these forums.

Hi there.


When you think for hours about the benefits of getting defence.

Best 09 Pure

when u try to quit many times but keeps coming back..


when you call hf to back u up in a fight irl


You know you have played too much runescape when your girlfriends pants become a rare drop.

you know you have played rs too much when you mistake 'M' in a maths test as Mills

you know you have played to much runescape when your at a firework display and every time fire work goes of your looking to see who has leveled

you know when you have played to much runescape when your mum only gives you half a tin of baked bins and you shout scammer at her.



When jagex makes u dc after 6 hours of not logging out, happened to me :lol:


when you fall over and you're all OH SHIT I FELL OVER!!!.....RUNESCAPE!!

Elven Dremor

When your playtime exceeds 100 days and you haven't botted. (Just under one third of a year spent sat playing a game)

Fuuu-, mines over 500!

When you've got a piss bottle under your desk.  :shifty:

When you've got 20 99s. Oh-wait ...

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