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Water has no taste??

G-Falo Son

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i need to drink water everyday

are you fucking retarded?


my water tastes like chicken

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you have to be american to drink this >.<

i had friends who went to usa on a student exchange program. They drank so much soda that when they came back to france they only drank water for about 6 months...

americanz r fat
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  • 2 months later...
Its zeh noob

Yeah you can pretty much just taste the minerals etc.

Yep, you can buy destilled water tho, which have no taste at all.

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ROFL! that thread in health and fitness about the guy trying to find a substitute for water lmao. what a nob.

But yeh it has a taste, but cant describe it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you have to be american to drink this >.<

i had friends who went to usa on a student exchange program. They drank so much soda that when they came back to france they only drank water for about 6 months...

americanz r fat

We didn't force them to drink soda... They did it all by them selves lmao.

And no all Americans are fat, that's an extremely inaccurate stereotype. We just have big mouths lol.

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Yeah you can pretty much just taste the minerals etc.

Yep, you can buy destilled water tho, which have no taste at all.

It will have a slight taste, but perhaps not recognisable to the human tastebud.

You need double de-ionised water to be sure  :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Iguide | Tommy

Ok I got to thinking about this the other night with my fiance. I don't like water because I think it taste bad and then she goes it has no taste so how can't you like it.  Now if the no taste were infact true explain this to me.  When she or anyone else gets a drink from a drink machine from like McDonalds or something and they start to drink it and says this taste watered down.  How can it taste watered down if water has no taste???  If you can taste "watered down" or a "watery" drink, then clearly water DOES have a taste.  What do you guys think?

taste is relative.  ur mouth is filled with saliva which is mostly water.  because of this, ur taste buds no longer respond to water touching them, hence no "taste".  regarding "watered down", that has to do with concentration.  usually pop is concentrated to the settings ur taste buds are used to recieving for that drink (u know what mtn dew tastes like now and u expect it to taste like that), so when its diluted, ur taste buds are shocked by the lack of taste, thus resulting in the "watered down" taste.

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  • 1 month later...

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