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t7emon Arrow GS pure PK video 4 (New BH) [99 str, 99 range,94 mage]


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t7emon Arrow GS pure PK video 4 (New BH) [99 str, 99 range,94 mage]


I believe my editing skills have improved again since vid 3 idk how but yea just more effort I guess but yea this video is around 8 minutes vid consisting of only new bh (cha0s pure gave me advice on making shorter videos)

A pic of a couple days loot after new drops came in: Posted Image

Btw this is how I pk ^^ takes alot of getting used to and it's alot of lag vidding but I get some of the highest quality that's ever been seen in rs pk videos watch it in HD if your ready for that.

my stats [they're also in my sig :)]:

Posted Image

I didn't count my loot in vid but it shouldn't matter much watch it leave me a comment on utube and rate/subscribe/favourite :)


very nice vid man i loved the editing

get an ags soon!


Enjoyed it, one or two effects bugged me but good video


Over edited in some parts, rest was really good though.


loved the editing and pking, though a few parts were over edited making it annoying to watch.

abit too much focus on the loot for my liking aswell. hate first song, 2nd was alright.


Yea sorry bout the loots thing some fans were complaining that I didn't show loot so I thought id give it to them annoyingly so they wouldn't complain :D can you tel me which effects were annoying so I can leave em out next time..Ipurposely overedited to test myself :)


best vid ive seen in ages good job bro


Liked it until the end where you start crying "no safs" "ffs" "sad".

Overall good vid.

Tom (Rendition)

Good clips, good editting - just be careful not to over edit, not too much screen shakign etc.


great vid bro  B)


Thx guys remember I was tryna over edit so yea next vid will have the perfect balance of editing as for "crying" my bad lol it's only the tanks where I say that stuff since they seem to love to safe to full hp when im gs'ing :)


Meh I guess most of you just don't wana click a gd video lol no worries.


nice vid, gj dude :p

Folk 4 Lif3-Trae

good vid m8te :nice:


Great vid  :nice:


That was actually quite good.


oh bumping actually works srry if this is spam for you but I think this deserves more views!

Y4nk33 D33s

pretty nice vid there


I thought I was tripping because of the editing at 2:40. Honestly, I still have fucking motion sickness.



Your music choice could have been better, the songs you had are overplayed and are in every pures pk video.

And overall the vid was ok, but tbh I got bored after a while.


Good vid tbh liked editing and music you used im wondering how much your bank is worth and are you near a Armadyl Godsword?


Good vid tbh liked editing and music you used im wondering how much your bank is worth and are you near a Armadyl Godsword?

My bank is worth around 50 to 60 id say i'd have to pc it again but yea im very far from ags as it keeps rising an odd mil every couple of days lol im tryna catch up im making about 3m a day 1 day i'll get there.

I thought I was tripping because of the editing at 2:40. Honestly, I still have fucking motion sickness.

meh I was going for something noticable and it tied in with the musics beat very well so I just went for it my bad for the tripping effect lol

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