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Mori's Goals/achievments ~ Will update every now and then


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I've been spending a lot of time on Turmori so far and I'm pretty much half away to my final goals.

I made this account like 2-3 years ago never played on it, reason I ddo now  is because when u want to make a new account u have to use your hotmail account, I'm too lazy for that cuz my hotmail account's nick is pretty long. Anyways I've started playing on this acc since the 20th of Februari '11, it was a lvl 3, I've been pretty much no lifing the quests and reqs for turmoil and had turmoil after 3 weeks.

(Just wanna let you know that this acc is only like 2 months old and I've already got epic stats and stuff)

Like a week later double xp-weekend came out and I chinned 3 days to get my range from 60 to 90, was a low lvl turmoiler with 80 str 60 atk and 90 range was fun at the beginning became boring after using same weaps over and over so I decided to get 80 atk for a lot of useful weaps such as chaotics/godswords/sol/korasi etc...

Yesterday I achieved a big goal of me which was getting 80 dung and the chaotic maul:


That took me like 10 days of dunging with mates (Special thanks to Dan, Naylor, Mark, M1ni, Z7, Pete and Liam)

Well now that I've got the basics I've only got some goals left which are:

- Getting a chaotic rapier => ACHIEVED on the 18th of May 2K11


- Getting an arcane stream neck => ACHIEVED on the 27th of April 2K11


- Getting a korasi's sword

- Getting a ring of vigour

- Achieving 99 Strength

- Achieving 99 Magic (In Process ATM)

- Achieving 99 Summoning (In Process ATM)

Once I've got these things I'm pretty much done with getting stats and completing goals which means I will pk every single second I'm on rs and will bring out some epic pk vids (one is being edited now low lvl turmoil hybrid w/60 atk and 80 str)

Anyways thanks for reading my goals/achievments, I will keep updating this topic once I achieve one more goal of the items/stats listed up above.


1st, im janssen

Btw Nice!




Grats on the chaotic maul and goodluck with your goals :nice:

li oo0oo il

wooot looking forward to this topic :D

gl with your goals :D


nice and thanks for the shoutout for that 1 dung... owait i didnt get one ¬¬


nice acc :D

have fun doing some more dung and gl with the rest of the goals. congratulations.

Life To Dds

nice man gz on maul btw its ownage gl on or other goals too bro:p waiting to see more and also the vid:O


nice acc bro, gz witch ur maul:P looking forward to ur pk vid.


UPDATE: Just got a stream neck ^_^


Sam|Stop Lying

Epic, even more of a monster in minis now.


indeed ur training rly fast!!!

how do u train dung so fast..  <3


Legend <3



i cba doing dunging mabey i'll join in abit l8r som time


Amazing account so far :P

Goodluck with everything man, gunna be heaps fun when its all done and your just pking.


Legend <3

U   ;o

Amazing account so far :P

Goodluck with everything man, gunna be heaps fun when its all done and your just pking.

Thanks and yeah it'll be fun ^_^

you need 300 MA and imbued rings if you wana be super cool like me kyle and ultra


you need 300 MA and imbued rings if you wana be super cool like me kyle and ultra

U had it, but ur acc's locked, besides I cba to spend 20 hours on a ring I can lose.

gud stuff fams =]


Now that I've got a stream necklace, it's time for 99 mage and summ ^_^ wish me luck I'll need it ;o


Now that I've got a stream necklace, it's time for 99 mage and summ ^_^ wish me luck I'll need it ;o


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