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Another Term?


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With elections coming up Barack Obama has already began the road to presidency and his campaigning has already began. Being the first president to decline the public funding by the government and winning he left a huge impact on the government.

The main question now is , should he deserve another term? (Only try to post with some backup, no redneck/bias shit)

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id say no for real.. hope not. i hear 3/4 the niggers that voted for him and registered the year he got elected arnt gonna vote for him

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Sam|Stop Lying

id say no for real.. hope not. i hear 3/4 the niggers that voted for him and registered the year he got elected arnt gonna vote for him

Exactly, if they weren't so many black people in America then Obama would have lost and have been shipped back to Africa where he belongs.

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People that vote for someone because their skin colour matches are fucking tools. Repsect to people that make votes based on policies and referendums.


Above is the man who will soon be the the leader of the most powerful country for the third time.

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Forget about it. He did nothing. No change, promises broken, and overall just a President that will be forgotten and only remembered for his ethnicity.

Trump is even worse, I really hope someone will step up and the leader that the US needs desperately.

I knew Obama would do nothing. We're already three years in and what has he done? NOTHING.

Someone needs to step up, probably me, but that's in a couple of years trololo.

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American politics is the most corrupt from any other period, lets say recession was avoidable greed and power overcomes shame really that certain individuals will do anything for money which gets them into power and people who struggle with paying for mortgages food looking after their kids giving the best start they can get cant tragic really.

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Sam|Stop Lying

American politics is the most corrupt from any other period, lets say recession was avoidable greed and power overcomes shame really that certain individuals will do anything for money which gets them into power and people who struggle with paying for mortgages food looking after their kids giving the best start they can get cant tragic really.

For all the +1s you take I didn't think you would be that smart, but you just proved me wrong in that post (not trolling), I feel the exact same way.

Even though Obama is an awful president, I don't see how Mccain would have done in comparison.  I'm going to remain neutral until I see a candidate that embodies some of our past presidents.  Ronald Reagan is my favorite president btw.

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Disappointed in several key ways he disappointed his supporters this term... The fact that Guantanamo is still open makes me disheartened that I'm an American. However the sheer fact that the current Republican front runners are.... Donald Trump....Sarah Palin....Mitt Romney... Well you would have to either be racist or thoroughly ignorant in the scheme of politics to cast a vote for someone else. Can't really hold these past couple years against Obama... Political gridlock pretty much denied any major legislation since the 2010 elections.

In short, Obama hasn't been as great as our highest hopes, and had several main short-fallings in my eye, but his 3 potential political opponents, currently, are an absolute joke to American politics. The whole Tea Party foolishness is going to lead to the Republicans nominating an absolute right wing nut who doesn't stand a chance against Obama in a modern day election. For fucks sake, Sarah Palin can't even name a supreme court case... A single one. How can someone so ignorant of American history be expected to lead our country? Obamarama v2

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Hahahaha i got the same Trump popup.  Honestly though, what has Obama done in his term other than raise the national debt another few trillion, and make empty promises that he never followed through on.  In my opinion though, i consider myself conservative, but in all honesty it really doesn't make much difference who's in office, politics is politics.  Politicians make desicions that will better benefit their public image rather than the actual country, its how its been and probably will always be like that, and that's what will lead to the downfall of our country.

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I support some of the posts here but many people who have said that people voted for him because he is black are clearly have no information regarding the voting. Most people that voted for him are people who believe in education, being from harvard and not some redneck college obviously hes more educated.

Regarding his next term I would vote him over Trump (dumb fuck), Palin but i would have ron coleman over obama .

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Sam|Stop Lying

I support some of the posts here but many people who have said that people voted for him because he is black are clearly have no information regarding the voting. Most people that voted for him are people who believe in education, being from harvard and not some redneck college obviously hes more educated.

Regarding his next term I would vote him over Trump (dumb fuck), Palin but i would have ron coleman over obama .

I disagree, if you went to a random city in a random state in the United States and you asked black people why they voted for Obama I'll bet you 70% of them would say idk, make up a bullshit reason, OR say because he's black.

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1) Watch The Obama Deception

2) He doesn't pull the strings

3) America isn't the most powerful country, they might say they are. But Russia or China would clearly destroy them. And they don't go around saying their the "most powerful".

4) Obama will get elected IMO, cause the people are too scared of what the opposition will do. In their current cause recovering for the WFC.

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America is STILL the most powerful country. I don't care what anyone else says or how they measure it, US has the biggest influence out of any of the countries that you can name.

With that being said, I do hope someone will take charge of America and restore former glory.

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Sam|Stop Lying

America is STILL the most powerful country. I don't care what anyone else says or how they measure it, US has the biggest influence out of any of the countries that you can name.

With that being said, I do hope someone will take charge of America and restore former glory.

Every single country that has been "most powerful" has fallen.

Take Rome for example. (can't think of any more off the top of my head)

The United State's time will come, whether it be in the next 100 years or 1,000. 

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Dravid i have to disagree on what you say about people voting for him because he's black.  I don't believe white people voted for him just to see the first black president, but black people definently did.  I heard something like 97% (Don't quote me on that i just made that up, but it was somewhere around there) of black people in the U.S. voted for obama in the last election.  I'm sorry, but i refuse to believe that that percentage of blacks voted for him on the basis of his good policies and ideas rather than his skin color.

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America is STILL the most powerful country. I don't care what anyone else says or how they measure it, US has the biggest influence out of any of the countries that you can name.

With that being said, I do hope someone will take charge of America and restore former glory.

Every single country that has been "most powerful" has fallen.

Take Rome for example. (can't think of any more off the top of my head)

The United State's time will come, whether it be in the next 100 years or 1,000. 

I never said it wasn't going to fall. It won't fall as bad as the Roman Empire crumbling under the Germanic tribes, it will just be a steady decline. The US is pretty much the last superpower that had immense influence especially during the 20th century. China/Russia/X Country needs to solve their own problems before considering themselves mightier than the US.

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Dravid i have to disagree on what you say about people voting for him because he's black.  I don't believe white people voted for him just to see the first black president, but black people definently did.  I heard something like 97% (Don't quote me on that i just made that up, but it was somewhere around there) of black people in the U.S. voted for obama in the last election.  I'm sorry, but i refuse to believe that that percentage of blacks voted for him on the basis of his good policies and ideas rather than his skin color.

My bad , your right that black people and some white probably voted for him since he is black but what I'm saying is that isn't the main reason. Also many states that have majority black people. NY and TX have some of the most black people, in the end they are still liberal states the only reason the vote swayed towards Obama is due to his policies. McCain has horrible tactics and his whole campaign was based around his career in the army but he didn't realize people these days frown upon military spending due to Bush and the current Iraq War/Afghan War.

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I never call anyone a "nigger" and those who do should stfu, it's rude.

ANYWAYS I didn't vote but if I did, i would have voted for.... NO ONE. All of the electables were trash.

I think by far, obama is more of a cool guy, and i think he understands more of the people who live in the middle class. He took measures into his own hands for somethings past presidents wouldn't have dreamed of. As long as bush is no longer in office, i'm happy.

Also like the fact he ACTUALLY said "We are going to find osama bin laden, and kill him." Fucking win.

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