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[5B+] So Harmful || 500 Stakes in One Minute


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It's a couple months old now, sorry for the poor quality.





Dang, I love your red phat, any specific tactic when you stake? :p


damm sick nice bank.


Dang, I love your red phat, any specific tactic when you stake? :p

Tactic is to not over-stake and be sensible. ;)

Sam|Stop Lying

That is a LOT of money.

Nice man.




makes me want to quit.. oh wait


5B and you can't afford to buy members for 8m! sad!

haha ;) seen this vid ages ago

Epic wins


Now how many of them did you lose


5B and you can't afford to buy members for 8m! sad!

haha ;) seen this vid ages ago

Epic wins

I can afford it but I just don't want to get it!

The main two reasons for me not getting membership are:

1) If I get P2P, I'll end up staking my bank and losing.

2) I'll get too dragged into the game, become addicted like I used to be, and ruin my life again.

There you go. :)


makes me want to quit.. oh wait

i respect you more now because you make it CLEAR that you quit

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