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Best way to pk?

karma pures

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karma pures

If there is a thread already like this then tell could u link it or somethign so i know.

I was just wondering what kind of pure is the best.

like a mauler etc.........

owner mighty

k bow to dds (:


I was just wondering what kind of pure is the best.

Hybrid. Flexibility is everything.

Well, and there's always luck. Oh, and a non-laggy internet connection.


43 pray 25 mage 60 attk 99 str so u can pray meele spec them then tele for win



range to 2h


d scimmy to d claws

E1f of dark

yea f2p range>2h  an p2p like rune knives>dds or claws


ice barrage + miasmic barrage + shadow barrage + ice barrage N blood barrage

best pure = mage


The point is that there is no best pure or best account.

Every account has its cons and it's pros, it just depends on what you like most and what you are the best to pk with.

I'm good at melee pking on high combat pure accounts, but a lot of people hate those kind of accounts.


43 pray 25 mage 60 attk 99 str so u can pray meele spec them then tele for win

And then who ever does that cna go die in a hole right after. :)

Iz Ahrim Iz

Best way to PK is attack them, eat food when you are low Hitpoints and make sure they run out of food before you.


43 pray 25 mage 60 attk 99 str so u can pray meele spec them then tele for win

And then who ever does that cna go die in a hole right after. :)

zi damage zi

ice barrage + miasmic barrage + shadow barrage + ice barrage N blood barrage

best pure = mage

what he said that basically makes any kid disabled... i wud add an msb or/and dds

Smited B O W

kill people +1

Got A Big Un

whatever u feel your best at pking with for example some pepole love 50 attack and some pepole hate it it jus depends on what ko weapons you like


F2P= Range/R scim /R2h combo.

P2P:Range/G maul combo i think?



The point is that there is no best pure or best account.

Every account has its cons and it's pros, it just depends on what you like most and what you are the best to pk with.

I'm good at melee pking on high combat pure accounts, but a lot of people hate those kind of accounts.

If you have a 60 Attack Hybrid, you don't need to know how to pk because it's just farcast and ko with melee.


im always a range 2h, but when i do get higher str im going for range maul lol :D

Its zeh noob

This is the best way:

Buy vestas + zuriels + morrigan armour.

Use 1k Dragon bolts(e) (onyx if the opponent has df shield) Then claw spec. If the spec failed use a GS. Barrage + farcast to waste his food and use a steel titan to KO.

Zach Dones

Its like Berniej said, their is no "best" pure. It's what your good at, tbh I like f2p Bh the best.

Strength pures are ftw. =]

karma pures

true idea very true

Kiid Ownage

Unspeaking XD


Range/2h ftp.

Quoted for the truth

The point is that there is no best pure or best account.

Every account has its cons and it's pros, it just depends on what you like most and what you are the best to pk with.

I'm good at melee pking on high combat pure accounts, but a lot of people hate those kind of accounts.

If you have a 60 Attack Hybrid, you don't need to know how to pk because it's just farcast and ko with melee.

And what is your point? That that is the best pure you can make?

In order to successfully fight with a 60attk hybrid you need to know how to farcast, I've seen people suck so fucking bad with 60 attack but maxed stats. Because they try to use mage and then get k0ed by the other person because they are slow.

On the other side I've never been k0ed by a person who farcasts then tries to ko with melee so the people dying from it are fucking fools.

In your eyes it might be easy to pk on it and in your eyes it might be the best pure but it still has it's cons for the general pker.

I rather have an account with 70 attack, 99 magic and 99 str because that's how I like to pk and in my eyes that is the best pker.

That's how I started to pk in old wildy and that's how I owned so many ppl.

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