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What kind of pure to create?


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I just created a New pure since my G Mauler is banned for 20 days .

Now i need help with what kind of pure to create , what one is the best?

Please help .


A bronze longsword pure?  :ph43r:


obby pure i think


I agree, if you got a mauler try obby.


Id Say 99 Def  1 att like 20 str and go staking.

Smited B O W

dds-d scim cant go wrong, easy to set up and fun to own nerds who got 43 prayer too early.


dds-d scim cant go wrong, easy to set up and fun to own nerds who got 43 prayer too early.

Couldn't have said it better im 67 Right now, with 81 str maxed as in next melee combat skill im going to cb to 68.. but people at my level with 43 pray are Ez mode im 81 streng, there 76- Fun has hell with addy guants rapid 29's they can't even max a 26 :D

Got A Big Un

range mage pure with like 26 mage cause they seem hot


Make whatever you like man.. and whatever acc you can pk with.. Me i personally like str pures, and range 2h-ers in f2p. In p2p, i suggest d scim pures. Maybe obby maul but i havent tried one so i cant comment


60 attack

82 strength

13 def (rune gloves)

85 ranged

85 magic

78 hitpoints

31 prayer

69 combat



always keep 1 defence.

dont get prayer (too soon).

dont get attack too high.

goal stats:

60 att

99 str

99 range

94 mage

1 defence

1-13-31-44-52 pray (the lower the more enjoyable)

90+ hp

if you get bored AFTER these stats consider 70-75attack for sarasword/arma godsword. dont get attack over 60 if youre not 90+str.


i fucked up there ^.      You cant go wrong with obby maulers imo. Lowish level d scim pures are good but will get raped by maulers, like me :D


well... i Guess make a  hybird ranng/strength :D

E1f of dark

try a 20 atk high str pure with mith scim vestla long for k0 o.O


yeah obby maul pure sounds like fun


do whatever, but keep ur prayer/def/att low

maybe just go for a classic f2p str pure


im making an obby mauler right now it sounds fun lol.. u can range and do big hits like a dbow spec followed by a 30+ obby maul hit is fucking ownage tbh


Why is your mauler banned for 20 days?

And hybrid :)


always keep 1 defence.

dont get prayer (too soon).

dont get attack too high.

goal stats:

60 att

99 str

99 range

94 mage

1 defence

1-13-31-44-52 pray (the lower the more enjoyable)

90+ hp

if you get bored AFTER these stats consider 70-75attack for sarasword/arma godsword. dont get attack over 60 if youre not 90+str.


E1f of dark

yea go ahead n do an obby mauler sounds fun now XD


hmm mabey a d claw pure.


you should create a mage/range or range/mauler

t34z0 p00n3r

would say granite maul 1 range + granite maul always works fine

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