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Just want some feedback on my workout, what do you think? Anything need changing? - I'm currently trying to gain weight, VERY HIGH carb/protein intake

Monday - Biceps

Concentration curls - 3x 6 reps @ 14kg DB

Cable curls - 3x 8 reps @ 17.5kg

Barbell hammer curls - 3x 6 reps @ 30kg

Seated incline DB hammer curls - 3x 8 reps @ 12kg DB's


Plank - 3x 90 seconds

Side plank - 3x 45 seconds

Leg raise hold - 3x 40 seconds

Tuesday - Chest

Flat bench press - 3x 6 reps @ 50kg

Incline bench press - 2x 6 reps @ 40kg

Incline DB press - 2x 8 reps @ 14kg DB's

Decline bench press - 2x 6 reps @ 50kg

Decline DB press - 2x 8 reps @ 18kg DB's

DB Fly's - 3x 8 reps @ 12kg DB's

Cable fly's - 3x 8 reps @ 10/12kg

Push ups - 10, 20, 30


Abs workout (once started, legs are raised off the floor and cannot touch the floor until the end):

15 crunches

15 knees to chest

10 elbow to knee (oblique) - 10 each side

10 crunch together (sit up + crunch legs inwards at same time)

^Repeat x2

Wednesday - Legs

Squat - 3x 8 @ 80kg

Leg press - 3x 6 @ 150kg

Lunges - 3x 10 (each leg) @ holding 12kg DB's

Leg extension - 3x 6 @ 60kg

Leg curl - 3x 6 @ 60kg

Calf raises - 3x 10 @ 60kg

Thursday - Tricep

Dips - 3x 10

Bar push down - 3x 10 @ 25kg

Close grip bench press - 3x 8 @ 30kg

Lying tricep extension (skull crusher) - 3x 6 @ 10kg (i get elbow pain sometimes when doing this, so I drop the weight right down).

DB Kickbacks - 3x 12 @ 8kg DB's

Rope push down - 3x 8 @ 20kg


Decline elbow to knee - 3x 30

Wood chopper - 3x 10 @ 20kg

Elbow to knee - 3x 30

Friday - Back

Wide grip pull ups (slow/controlled) - 3x 5

Lat pulldowns behind neck - 3x 10 @ 60kg

Barbell rows - 3x 8 @ 40kg

T bar rows - 3x 8 @ 50kg

DB Rowing - 3x 10 @ 16kg DB's

Deadlift - 3x 6 @ 80kg


Hanging leg raises - 3x 10

Knees to chest - 5x 30

Saturday - shoulders

Arnold press - 3x 8 @ 16kg DB's

Military press - 3x 10 @ 30kg

Lateral raises - 3x 8 @ 8kg

Front raises - 3x 8 @ 8kg

Upright row - 3x 8 @ 30kg

Shrugs - 3x 10 @ 20kg DB's

Clean and press - 2x 5 @ 30kg


Decline sit ups - 3x 10 @ holding 16kg DB

Crunches - 5x 30






3 mile run... first 1.5 miles @ 8min a mile pace, next 1.5 mile best effort time - Current PB: 9m08s




Run 5 miles steady state


Swim 20 breast stroke lengths/10-15 front crawl lengths (alternate between weeks)


Run 10 miles steady state


Cycle @ gym bike 20-30 minutes @ high intensity




Any feedback/advice etc?

S 6 I 6 N 6

A bit much... 6 day spread? 1 day rest...

My questions are:

- How long have you been lifting?

- How much do you sleep?


First if your trying to gain weight you need to cut the cardio down.

Second instead of a 6 day split, combine the excercises so you do multiple in a day, for example chest and biceps both on Monday. Muscles are made on the recovery days not only at the gym, so try and get a few more rest days in.

S 6 I 6 N 6

First if your trying to gain weight you need to cut the cardio down.

Second instead of a 6 day split, combine the excercises so you do multiple in a day, for example chest and biceps both on Monday. Muscles are made on the recovery days not only at the gym, so try and get a few more rest days in.

Chest and bicep? lawl I hope you mean Chest and Tricep.

Biceps are best fit in with back days.

My split always changes.

Some weeks:

Mon - Chest

Tue - Back / Bi

Wed - Off

Thur - Shoulder / Tri

Fri - Legs

Other weeks:

Mon - Chest / Tri

Tue - Back / Bi

Wed - Off

Thur - Shoulder

Fri - Legs

Then every week it changes. I'll flip the entire routine around and do:

Mon - Legs

Tue - Shoulders

Wed - Off

Thurs - Back / Bi

Fri - Chest / Tri

I like to confuse the body. But on the days i just do Chest are the days i max out and go real heavy so my triceps are done by the time i even consider moving on to the next set of lifts.


A bit much... 6 day spread? 1 day rest...

My questions are:

- How long have you been lifting?

- How much do you sleep?

I have been seriously training since last september ish, but started with lots of circuit, push ups/pull ups etc. Stuff I could do at home, with 1-2 gym weight sessions a week.

Been seriously lifting since about Jan/Feb.

Also I sleep 7-8 hours, I make sure of this :)

@Kofte, I start RAF Regiment training (32 week course) on June 20th, so I need to keep that cardio up. Otherwise I'd just wipe most of it out, just a few running sessions a week.

S 6 I 6 N 6

Yeah, you do get enough sleep but i would mash those days together and only work out 4 days a week. Recovery man! Recovery!


Lol 6 day split is a bit much. Having an entire day of just biceps one day and triceps the next is annoying. If you're there why not combine bis/tris.

And if you're looking to gain weight, you're not going especially with all that cardio.


Lol 6 day split is a bit much. Having an entire day of just biceps one day and triceps the next is annoying. If you're there why not combine bis/tris.

And if you're looking to gain weight, you're not going especially with all that cardio.

Already explained this in my last reply, please refer to that.


i told u to do tri's/bi's on same day and 1 extra rest.


First if your trying to gain weight you need to cut the cardio down.

Second instead of a 6 day split, combine the excercises so you do multiple in a day, for example chest and biceps both on Monday. Muscles are made on the recovery days not only at the gym, so try and get a few more rest days in.

Chest and bicep? lawl I hope you mean Chest and Tricep.

Biceps are best fit in with back days.

My split always changes.

Some weeks:

Mon - Chest

Tue - Back / Bi

Wed - Off

Thur - Shoulder / Tri

Fri - Legs

Other weeks:

Mon - Chest / Tri

Tue - Back / Bi

Wed - Off

Thur - Shoulder

Fri - Legs

Then every week it changes. I'll flip the entire routine around and do:

Mon - Legs

Tue - Shoulders

Wed - Off

Thurs - Back / Bi

Fri - Chest / Tri

I like to confuse the body. But on the days i just do Chest are the days i max out and go real heavy so my triceps are done by the time i even consider moving on to the next set of lifts.

Yeah after bench my triceps are done so I put them with shoulders, I can go maximum 4 times a week because of sports so I fit biceps after chest, been working well

  • 2 weeks later...

leg extensions and curls i would recommend increasing the rep range to around 8-12.

you could add biceps & triceps together.

monday(chest) tuesday(legs) wednesday (arms) thursday (rest) friday(shoulders) saturday (back)

as for your chest day i would suggest removing some of the exercising to like 4 (flat bench barbell or dumbbells, incline bench barbell or dumbbell, incline/flat/decline fly's dumbbell or machine or cables, decline barbells/dumbbells/dips)

overall, not a bad workout  :nice: :nice:

ps: if you have any questions, just pm me  <3


leg extensions and curls i would recommend increasing the rep range to around 8-12.

you could add biceps & triceps together.

monday(chest) tuesday(legs) wednesday (arms) thursday (rest) friday(shoulders) saturday (back)

as for your chest day i would suggest removing some of the exercising to like 4 (flat bench barbell or dumbbells, incline bench barbell or dumbbell, incline/flat/decline fly's dumbbell or machine or cables, decline barbells/dumbbells/dips)

overall, not a bad workout  :nice: :nice:

ps: if you have any questions, just pm me  <3

Why would you increase the reps to 12?


leg extensions and curls i would recommend increasing the rep range to around 8-12.

you could add biceps & triceps together.

monday(chest) tuesday(legs) wednesday (arms) thursday (rest) friday(shoulders) saturday (back)

as for your chest day i would suggest removing some of the exercising to like 4 (flat bench barbell or dumbbells, incline bench barbell or dumbbell, incline/flat/decline fly's dumbbell or machine or cables, decline barbells/dumbbells/dips)

overall, not a bad workout  :nice: :nice:

ps: if you have any questions, just pm me  <3

Why would you increase the reps to 12?

I should've asked first, are your mass gaining or toning? i personally find a rep range between 8-12 is effective (anabolic rep range); i would only do 6 reps if its a heavy load, last set and goal.

you could always pyramid reps your training since at the first set you managed to do 6reps on the first set. 


leg extensions and curls i would recommend increasing the rep range to around 8-12.

you could add biceps & triceps together.

monday(chest) tuesday(legs) wednesday (arms) thursday (rest) friday(shoulders) saturday (back)

as for your chest day i would suggest removing some of the exercising to like 4 (flat bench barbell or dumbbells, incline bench barbell or dumbbell, incline/flat/decline fly's dumbbell or machine or cables, decline barbells/dumbbells/dips)

overall, not a bad workout  :nice: :nice:

ps: if you have any questions, just pm me  <3

Why would you increase the reps to 12?

I should've asked first, are your mass gaining or toning? i personally find a rep range between 8-12 is effective (anabolic rep range); i would only do 6 reps if its a heavy load, last set and goal.

you could always pyramid reps your training since at the first set you managed to do 6reps on the first set. 

I usually do 6-8 if i can go more I always increase the weight

One more question what is "toning"


better question would be, are you training for strength or muscle gains?

2-6 reps is the standard strength building figures, 8-12 being muscle.


Chest and bicep? lawl I hope you mean Chest and Tricep.

Biceps are best fit in with back days.

You ever tried chest + Bis? its amazing.

After you've done back, your biceps are fucked.

Just like chest and triceps, chest hits your triceps hard so theyre fucked.

Dont tell me im wrong because theres loads of people out there who do chest/bi, back/tri.

Not trying to argue but its personal preference.

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