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PHTP Competition


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Attention to all PHTPers, the Staff of PHTP have decided to make a competition.

I know your wondering what the competition is, so I might aswell tell you ;]

The competition is a friendly competition between PHTPers on who can make the best PHTP Advertisement Video, the winner will be chosen by the staff of PHTP.

Now your wondering "What's the point of me making a video if there's no rewards??" Well we aren't that mean, of course there is rewards!

The winner will be given:


~A rank in IRC AND the Clan Chat!

-Video will be ADV To 100k Users.

-500k botted dung xp on any account


So if u Wish to enter in the Competetion Please Join #PHTP and Pm

[ Kingrang3194 ] if im not online pm this other people Please pm me first with code [ SonyVegas ]





Or just reply this topic and we will read it shortdy but im always on #PHTP my name always starts with Kingrang

Make Sure they save your name.


Why not just pay someone


~A rank in IRC AND the Clan Chat!

-Video will be ADV To 100k Users.

-500k botted dung xp on any account


to do it


500k botted? dung xp? ha


500K BOTTED DUNG XP? hilarious kid. Like il give you my password to bot dung for me hahaha. Make a topic @ your 13th aniversary

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